Trump's Pick for Labor Secretary Doesn't Think Workers Should Get Breaks


But this isn't some exotic new political creed introduced by Trump. It's warmed-over Republicanism.

TOM PHILPOTTDEC. 28, 2016 1:45 PM

The US Department of Labor exists to "foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners [and] job seekers," and to "improve working conditions" and "assure work-related benefits and rights." Andrew Puzder, Donald Trump's choice to lead the department, has not exactly embodied those values in his career as CEO of CKE Restaurants, parent company of fast-food chains Hardee's and Carl's Jr. He's a staunch and vocal opponent of minimum-wage hikes, and his company has had to pay out millions of dollars to settle overtime claims (more here).

And now, thanks to OC Weekly's Gabriel San Roman, we know what Puzder thinks of worker breaks. Spoiler: not much.

San Roman got to digging into the archives of Cal State Fullerton's Center for Oral and Public History, where he found a 2009 interview (not available online) with Puzder. According to San Roman, Puzder "complained about regulations and overtime laws, claiming workers are overprotected." San Roman adds, quoting from the interview:

"Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant and the employees are sitting and you're wondering, 'Why are they sitting?'" Puzder asked. "They are on what is called a mandatory break [emphasis his]." He shared a laugh with the interviewer, saying the so-called nanny state is why Carl's Jr. doesn't open up any new restaurants in California anymore.

Now, anointing a burger tycoon who openly disdains worker rights as labor secretary might seem like a quintessentially Trumpian move. But it's worth remembering that Puzder is very much an establishment Republican. A major donor to GOP political campaigns, he served as an economic adviser and spokesman for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, and as a delegate to the 2012 Republican National Convention and as chairman of the Platform Committee's Sub-Committee on the Economy, Job Creation, and the Debt.

In late 2014, as the 2016 presidential race was about to heat up, Puzder listed his top three choices for the Republican nomination: Romney, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (now Trump's choice to lead the Department of Energy), and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. That same year, Puzder and then-Gov.Perry even appeared together at a Carl's Jr. event in Austin, to roll out the burger chain's "Texas BBQ Thickburger" and raise funds for a veterans' charity, along with Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Hannah Ferguson. Puzder declared Perry "America's best governor."

And now they'll both be in the Cabinet. Trump ran hard against the GOP establishment, only to hand it the keys to power.




Mother Jones publishes information from a left biased position with an advocacy for liberal causes. The editorial content and headlines are often loaded with strong words to appeal to emotions and stereotypes. They may publish misleading reports, cite unverified sources, reference bogus reports and omit information that may damage their cause. The information provided should be regarded as speculative opinion and/or propaganda. It is among the most untrustworthy sources in the media...

^That's interesting.  I saw that you site  Breitbart, the platform for the racist Alt-right, in your Chicago thread.

Breitbart, "...appeals to emotions and stereotypes. They may publish misleading reports, cite unverified sources, reference bogus reports and omit information that may damage their cause. The information provided should be regarded as speculative opinion and/or propaganda. It is among the most untrustworthy sources in the media.."

Since you site Breitbart you must trust their reporting and I assume that you are comfortable with Breitbart serving as a conduit for the racist, white nationalist , Alt-right. 



Doh... *Cite

as a conduit for the racist,>>



Sharpton isn't dead? 



fuck the "alt-right"

Dead2, the OP concerns the SEC. Of labor-designate's views concerning work place regulations and worker protections.

 You responded by criticizing the source. 

I found your specific criticism of Mother Jones to be ironic, given it accurately describes Breitbart, a source you were comfortable citing in your Chicago thread.  You may deflect if you wish, but the former executive chairman of Breitbart, the incoming Chief strategist/propagandist Steve Bannon, is on record saying the Breitbart is the platform for the (racist) Alt-right. 


So  do you have anything to say about Puzder's views in work place regulation? 

How about a comment on a guy who was willing to provide a platform for white nationalists?


BTW,  if you're going to accuse Obama of racism, you should at least provide a quote from the man. Check out Breitbart, you'll probably find one there.

He's got nothing

never has

Breaks aren't guaranteed by federal law anyway. So I imagine his opinion means nothing.

This is the domain of the states. California can still be California.

When must breaks and meal periods be given?

The FLSA does not require breaks or meal periods be given to workers. Some states may have requirements for breaks or meal periods. If you work in a state which does not require breaks or meal periods, these benefits are a matter of agreement between the employer and the employee (or the employee's representative).

Hey Redneck, I'm currently reading Annie Jacobsen's book "Operation Paperclip: The Secret intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America."

You may want to read it, and find out just how dark America will go under the guise of national security.

Hell, Obama just quietly signed the NDAA right before Christmas, which is part of the playbook when the government wants to fuck the people. If you're unaware, the NDAA basically removes the protection of habeas corpus for US citizens suspected of terrorism.. However, the definition of terrorism seems to be expanding day by day.

Speaking of NDAA, did you hear about the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act," which gives gov't the power to censor free speech?

Is Obama a nazi too? Not defending Trump here, but you need to get a grip on reality bro..


The best thing that can be said about Obama is that he is not a republican.