Restructure SCOTUS to be like Congress (2 chambers)?


Have been tossing this idea around lately as perhaps a way to mitigate the negative aspects of lifetime appointments for justices ... especially in regard to political "stacking".

I'm not exactly sure how to work out all the details, but generally borrow from the format of how Congress is structured with two chambers; one side (or level) being more reflective of the "will of the people" and allow for much greater frequency of transition of justices (House), while the other operating as a more long-term "distilling" mechanism (Senate).

Perhaps a better way to put might be to say: move the current SCUTUS into the position of the "Senate" and replace lifetime appointment with some relatively long term length and method for re-appointment (or way to get booted); at the same time, create an "under-SCOTUS" which does a lot of the heavy lifting re: volume of cases ... not looking to replace Federal Court of Appeals, but deepen the scope of the SCOTUS.   At the same time, establish some sort of system of checks and balances between the two chambers/levels re: case review.

The trick would be figuring out a way to temper how partisan interests come into play and somehow better isolate judicial review from politics.