Life is winning


'Life is winning': Pence fired up March for Life crowd


Vice President Mike Pence fired up the crowd at Friday's March for Life in Washington, telling the pro-life throng their movement is succeeding.

"Life is winning in America and today is a celebration in that progress," Pence said at the Washington Monument, before the march stepped off just after noon. "We’ve come to a historic moment in the cause of life and we must approach it with with compassion for every American. Life is winning in America because of you.

"Let this movement be known for love," he added to thunderous applause. "Not anger. For compassion. Not confrontation."


Alliance of Pro-Life Groups Demands “The Corrupt Biased Propagandist Mainstream Media” Fairly Cover the March for Life


No violence

No foul mouthed celebs 



the lefties hate these kind of marches..

babies don't vote

"Let this movement be known for love," he added to thunderous applause. "Not anger. For compassion. Not confrontation."



Amen to that.

Stop shooting people.