Chump the Environmentalist (Holding back the laughter at this claim)


Trump’s unsupported claim he has ‘received awards on the environment’

“I’m a very big person when it comes to the environment. I have received awards on the environment.”
— President Trump, remarks during a meeting with business leaders, Jan. 23

One of Donald Trump’s first proposals as president is to help businesses by cutting regulations by 75 percent. Trump cited environmental regulations as an example during a meeting with business leaders, but claimed he was a “very big person” on the environment who has “received awards on the environment.”

Trump touted his alleged environmental accolades as early as 2011, when he said during a “Fox and Friends” interview, “I’ve received many, many environmental awards.” He repeatedly claimed this during the 2016 presidential campaign: “I’ve won many environmental awards, by the way. I’ve actually been called an environmentalist, if you can believe that....”


The Pinocchio Test

The evidence is quite slim for Trump’s claim that he has “received awards on the environment.” We know of one award by the Metropolitan Golf Association, given in 2007 to his golf course in Bedminster, N.J. The golf course was later cited for environmental violations.

The White House pointed us to a self-published book by Trump’s former environmental consultant. The only award mentioned in that book was from New Jersey Audubon — but the group denied it ever gave an award to Trump, the Trump National club in Bedminster or any of its employees.

Here is one award that we’ll give to Trump. It’s not related to the environment — and he already has many of them — but we present Trump with his first four-Pinocchio rating as president."




OK, now THIS thread belongs in the Politics Folder.   cheeky

today he directed his EPA--all of the members in it - to not ever say anything  to the press or in public about any changes to the EPA trump is making.  they are also not allowed to post on any social media.

he appointed an entire cabinet full of climate science deniers....including his head of the epa who is presently being sued by the EPA for polluting illegally.

today he issued orders to restart both the Dakota Access and Keystone pipelines.   


he is anyti-science, anti-moral, anti-environment


and an all around con man, liar and cheater at life.