Chuck Schumer teared up






Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer teared up during a press conference on Sunday, calling Trump’s executive order “mean spirited and un-American.” On Monday, he stated his intent to ask for a vote in the Senate to repeal Trump’s order.

 "This executive order was mean-spirited and un-American," the Democratic senator from New York said through tears. "It was implemented in a way that created chaos and confusion across the country."



90 day ban


Boo hoo



What's Looney is appointing the racist propaganda Minister, the mouthpiece for white nationalists,  Steve Bannon  to the national security council. 


You like this decision, Dead2?



he probably does..

Derp Derp

Fuck You and Trump's fascist agenda.

THe Senator lost Jewish family in the Holocaust. Mocking his tears is disgraceful,

Bannon is a white supremacist  and Trump's  religious ban is unconstitutional. 

Anyone who knows their history is shedding tears over this religious ban.

 Anyone who knows their history is shedding tears over this religious ban.>>


its not a religious ban..

why do the kooks on the left have to lie all the time?  Can't tell the truth ever.  Its so pathetic how dishonest the lefties are.


THe Senator lost Jewish family in the Holocaust. >>


this has nothing to do with the Holocaust..

he is really crying about the implosion of the democratic party and the ruins left after the election when a person who never ran for office kicked the crap out of the infamous "Clinton Machine" and the corrupt democrats..That would make a left wing kook cry..

the senator is full of shit, man up and stop crybabying 

a 90 day ban from 7 terrorist filled hoo .. so sad


Maybe the Senator is crying about the way the obama administration treated Israel and obama's disdain for the Jews..





Good speech.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention


Did you see the people standing up next to the Senator?  Muhammed Hamid acted as a translator for our troops in Iraq and it took him two years to get through vetting. Surely, you must realize that he helped our country and that he was in grave danger in Iraq.  And as far as I'm concerned, those kids can join their grandparents in New York.


And quite frankly, I was expecting more of an emotional display, based on your previous posts.


I really can't find anything Looney about this particular situation.



Here is something for Chuck and the kooky left wingers to cry about..


The Refugee Crisis is Obama’s Failure



It all your fault..

the death the suffering the displacement the genocide..



Now the kooks shed tears 


Dead2, your link gave me a "404"


There is no doubt in my mind that President Obama and the United States government had a huge role in what transpired in Syria.  So many reasons to be critical, I agree.

I also agree that refugees need to be heavily vetted before entering our country.  We need to be safe.


I think that focusing on a mild choke-up from a politician is petty, considering the immense problem that we face with refugees and immigration in general.

And you can keep looking behind you (I certainly look back in anger at the GWB/Cheney actions in Iraq), but we are in the Here and Now.

Do you think that the Trump administration imposed this executive order in the way that it did, knowing what kind of chaos it would cause?  Or do you think that they didn't anticipate that?

Who drew that pic of Obama...terrible and kind of racist???