Zoner pics


post What ya want ~ here is Duke few years ago



Plf, a grower in Oklahoma gave me that stogie.  That roach weighed a quarter oz.


Dipped in oil thoroughly and kief infused. Built around a shish ka bob skewer .  Rolled in fan leaves and then

Wrapped with hemp String to cure/dry . It was the bomb.

We smoked that Mother for an hour at a shoe.



When 2001 opened

we rolled a joint with an ounce in it

ee did not finish, but loved the movie @ century 21

I did mushrooms for that.

Smith Rock on Saturday:

Smith Rock 1.jpg

Smith Rock 2.jpg

Smoth Rock 4.jpg

Smith Rock 3.jpg

That Duke fella looks like someone just stole his last twinkie


Ollie transfer at a skate park in Winston-Salem, NC last week:






2019-12-19 Boardslide North Carolina 1.png

**double post**


>>>That Duke fella looks like someone just stole his last twinkie<<<

That's his expression when his image is used on the internet without his permission.

Or when anyone disparages The Police or Sting.

Nice Jaz thanks !

great pics all THX !

biojesus joint and a bee


sunset today
