
Seems like I've read a few articles about big wave surfers eating it this year. Lots of amateurs, maybe, trying to go in for waves they're not ready for. 

I think you have to be insane to even get near that wave, but I sure do love watching the videos!

Even the best big wave surfers get smashed on a regular basis - it's amazing that they usually survive.

yeah some nutty shit

I remember seeing a documentary on Mavericks when some big wave riders came over from Hawaii to ride Mavericks for the first time and this one famous surfer of Asian heritage bit it on his first wave. I don't think they ever found his body.

that was mark foo coolio. and yes they got his body.

>>>>bit it on his first wave. I don't think they ever found his body.

>>>>>>I remember seeing a documentary 


you don't remember 

Mark Foo, that sounds familiar.

Mark Foo Died at Mavericks December 23 1994