why the WALL needs holes


Donald on WALL design, from AF1 last night:   https://twitter.com/justinsink/status/885573633099354112


FUCK The Nut Job !  DJT !!

They will just pass the drugs through the holes. Brilliant.

"It's a system of tubes..."

Uh-uh.  The holes will have White People Keys.

Walls need holes so dogs can look through 

TRUMP: "Oh I'm seeing numbers — $24 billion, I think I'll do it for $10 billion or less. That's not a lot of money relative to what we're talking about. If we stop 1 percent of the drugs from coming in — and we'll stop all of it. But if we stop 1 percent of the drugs because we have the wall — they're coming around in certain areas, but if you have a wall, they can't do it because it's a real wall. That's a tremendously good investment, 1 percent. The drugs pouring through on the southern border are unbelievable. We're becoming a drug culture, there's so much. And most of it's coming from the southern border. The wall will stop the drugs."



The wall, which will stop the drugs,

needs holes/visibility, so that when they throw the drugs over the wall ....they won't hurt people.

Got it?



The wall will stop the drugs. <<<<<


WRONG ! Mexis are Way Smarter Than You ! Keep Sitting Behind Your Granite and Fine Silverware and Art on Your Walls !

We'll pay Mexicans to build the wall. That's who builds walls in that area. They will have special Mexican keys for the portals to throw the drugs through, so no worries.

Glory Holes! 

Glass half full, easier to reverse smuggle the top notch US grown weed into Mexico.

Anti-weed cartel holes.

Walls need holes so dogs can look through <<<

Like the television set for a dog.


Its beyond reality. I cant understand the Trump world. This would be excellent comedy, i just wish it was. 

Really, nobody could of imagined or fictional written these current events.

"I've got a hole in me pocket."  Ringo on the Yellow Submarine film.

holes?, jesus. Brass peepholes are stealthy, weather-resistant and would add a touch of class to what would otherwise be a plain ol' steel wall...





Antiques Road Show and a lot of car fixemup tv shows state original patina is the thing these days.


It's rust.

What a fucking shit show! 


Swiss cheese defense.

It just occurred to me that you'd have to be Scottish to throw 60lbs over a wall. Caber Cartel. 

^^^^   trebuchets.





Adam Schiff has a question: https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff/status/886238925043499009


On TDS last night, Roy Wood was rolling up a reefer. When Trevor asked him where he got the bag, he said he was walking near a wall and got hit in the head with it.

'We're gonna build the world's biggest wall and we're gonna drill holes in that wall- and we'll put our dicks through them, see. and make mexico suck them. It's gonna be huge.'

The man is a complete moron.

The man is a complete moron. <<<<<<