Why Do Men Give Each Other Shit?


Shit giving is the way men establish the social pecking order. 

Homophobia & Humor


Acting like an interested human towards a member of the same sex is close to dating behavior and as such seems like something one wouldn't like to be held up for scrutiny in our current patriarchal-macho society.


Sometimes a joke is a joke and it's really funny, so funny someone HAS to say it, ya know what I mean ? I have a close circle of really good friends and we may give each other shit, but we've also been there for each other for more than 20 years. With that much history, threre's just so much fodder for jokes. Why do old friends laugh the longest ?


Why Do Men Give Each Other Shit? <<<


Some men take it or don't take it and make the shit giver think the shit taker cares(and laughs at the giver) therfore the taker reverses the taking to make the giver think it really matters when it does not?

In those instances a double triple is made and the giver and taker are confused and really don't give a shit very much longer.


or maybe it's just fun and don't matter.


and then there is alcohol....


so-called "Men" are really just  vanquished losers with vestiges of Male genitalia.

They are the types who(m) are constantly trolling Phil Lesh oriented  message boards,  attempting to pester actual Males with slander and smarky commentary.  

Sort of like the 5th - grade girls who(m) were twins and dressed in matching outfits,  but got terrible grades because they were Stupid.

Actually, women engage in a completely different form of psychological warfare with one another to determine their own hierarchies.

I'm guessing they didn't cover this stuff in log school?


I know this stuff as Absolute Fact,  as I just got my  BioMechanical  Testicles  installed the other day.  Now I've got Five total.

Three - Year warranty, so that should work out alright in Time.

I'm sort of looking forward to being Big Daddy-O in my 60's and 70's.  "Yes  Daughter or Son,  you may borrow the Car, but be sure and put Gas in it..."

Good luck to you.


Mr. Ateix.  With the extra Pair,  I'm getting some new Hemp-Linen undies for Summer,  and Worsted-Wool for Winter.

It is a new Paradigm when out riding the Mtn.  Bike,  but I will adapt soon.  

insecurity>>big dick pissing contest 


Because they're not grown ass men, but adult babies with smallish minds, possibly small penises. 

So, i guess, A.

Carry on

Chicks are also insecure, we tend to internalize tho, whereas dudes are more lashy outty

And, natch, the ol pendulum swings both ways.

Generally; people can suck. 

Happy Friday, Phreaks of all gender and psychological standing (;

*and, genital standing


Because it is fun

It's cheaper than giving things of value like we do to women

>>I'm guessing they didn't cover this stuff in log school?


>>>Actually, women engage in a completely different form of psychological warfare with one another to determine their own hierarchies


amen, that shit is freaky.

it's wild how much more socially evolved and complicated women r than men, seemingly much to their disadvantage a lot of the time.


Some typical man shaming going on in this thread. Not surprising.

Also great comments from Redneck, Tim, Fabes, and E. Good stuff, guys.

A lot of east coast men are overly sensitive drama queens.  Vermont seems to be full of those types. 


its due to survival of the species. it has nothing to do with size of one's phallus.

Exactly, Turtle. 

True, the species can't survive without dudes giving each other shit.

This thread is kind of limpid. I would have expected a better turn out.

Yes Brian k. I haven't forgotten your behavior during the "dogman years ". 

This isn't the first time you've sold early on a St. Mark thread, Brian K.

Give it time. 

JR, don't you have some loafers to polish?

Brian k and jr are good at this. I think they are in a kind of mating dance or bonding ritual. They want to touch penises, but don't want to seem too gay about it.

Is there really a "too gay" when touching penises?

And, I honestly suck at it.

penis bump fist bump

too bad Nick isn't here to decide who has low t

miss his enthusiasm!

I woke up in the middle night screaming about sticking something up my ass. I don't remember saying that but it apparently happened. 

You prefer to suck at the penis rather than touch it? that is gay, no too about it





Just sticking with the theme of the thread as in giving shit to brian 

i dreamed i took a steamy dump in a rag or cloth...