Who are the religious freaks?


Is it every devout person of every religion? What are the freaky aspects? 

Scientology is one of the freakiest. 

Does Hinduism or Buddhism contain any freaky dogma? 

God bless


Bow wow wow to your new HÜSKY overlairds.

Shintoism rules!

In my opinion, despite its general humanism, Buddhism is sexist.  Then, they all are to a degree since the female godhead religions were buried by the people of the book. 

Religious life can be of great help to an individual when that individual is working on self-improvement. The problem comes when a group or individual begins to try to impose their system on others. I support freedom of religion which includes freedom from religion.

Not in the science book please.  

fuck off slacker. 

Nancy, are you a believer? Atheist?

Home schoolers.  Duh

Who are the religious freaks? 


I suppose if one is exhibiting stigmata. At Coney Island, maybe.


[I'm reading Carl Hiaasen's Luck You, which features a stigmata scammer as a minor character.]

I'm not a Deist, but I think all religions teach some good.

Some people look at Deadheads as a religion.

I was hitching a ride back from DC with a bunch o' freeks and people in the gas station at a stop asked me if we were part of a cult.

I saiiiidd no maaaan!! but I do not blame him for asking, the way we looked!


as long as your religion does not require or condone KILLING of non believers, I say have a blast.  as soon as it does, I am FULLY against it.

Right now the obvious choice for this scenario would be Islam.  The other two biggies have gone through reform and stopped killing apostates thousands of years ago.

Islam, eh, not so much.


Mormons.  They believe all the same crap the Evangelicals do, plus that whole "God left Divine messages on gold plates & Jesus visited North America & the Cherokee are the missing 12th tribe" nonsense on top of it.  But they do stitch nice wallets w/the Denver Bronco's logo on the inside . . .

So I've been meaning to tell you, that was a sick mile high joke.
I wasn't joking.
The Moyel Chai Club.
You know how moyels suck baby dick? Wait, wait, what's a moyel? Honestly, are you Jewish? You're not supposed to be on this trip if you're not.
Dude, I'm sorry, what the (bleep) is a moyel, and why are they sucking baby dick? A moyel is the Jewish dude who performs the circumcisions.
You know, like a a bris.
So they don't do it in the hospital, so these rabbis can do whatever they want.
So they take the detached baby foreskin, and they roll it around in their mouths with wine.
(retching) And then they suck the baby dick itself to stop the bleeding.
What the (bleep) are you talking about? Literally Judaism.
So at every bris, someone sucks a baby dick? Only the most sacred ceremonies do we get to have the baby dick sucking.
They get to have it? Yeah, it's like, Christian people get the Nilla wafer and we get - Like a sacrament.
- What? It's a wafer and when you take it in your mouth, you let go of all your sins.
- It's actually like, a beautiful ceremony.
- All right.
So we're going to Israel right now, and we're supposed to be Jewish.
Anyway, Moyel Chai Club.
I want to (bleep) a dick on this flight, babe! An adult dick, obviously.
I can't believe that you want to (bleep) a dick after everything that just came out of your mouth.
Something about doing it in the sky.
Ilana, look! Oh, my God, dude, this is a free movie! Maybe you are a Jew.


Broad City returns August 2017

Thousands of of years ago, Seapup?

I'm with Timmy. All religions have something positive to teach. All religions also have freaks. You know, the people who forego medicine because it's not God's will, or the Hasidim who practice incest, or crazy jihadists,

I used to bang a minister. Does that count as religious freakery?

Only if he self flagellated and prayed after you ass banged him.

She likes her eggs poached. That's got to count for something.

>Nancy, are you a believer? Atheist?

A believer in What? And no, not Athiest. 

 Jewish agnostic, like most of the tribe.





I'm a full on atheist.

Atheism is too much of a commitment for me. It's just like a religion without the dogma.

How do most of the tribe feel about Islam and the Muslims? 

True, Mike. I'm just a non-believer.

I really can't speak for anyone else, Slack. Personally, as long as someone doesn't try to shove their beliefs down my throat, I really don't care. Jewish, Christian, Muslim, it's all good to me.

Most of the tribe (the liberal Jews)  in my area are totally cool with the Muslims. 





I can't speak for the Ultra Orthodox Jews, but I'm guessing they're cool with the Muslims like Isis is cool with the Jews. 





Seadoggie made a real post.


He used his own words and made sense.




He did infer that Christianity stopped being douches a thousand years ago or so. His original post contained alternate facts. God bless him.

seadoggie is a longhair bill sock. everyone knows that. 

>The other two biggies have gone through reform and stopped killing apostates thousands of years ago.


Not thousands of years ago. Just look at the history of the Missions in California, and the rest of America where millions of  non Christian natives were enslaved and/or killed.  



Unbelievable that a Librarian could be so dumb. The Research Librarian who lives in my neigbhorhood would be aghast. 

You should check out the episode of "Hate Thy Neighbor," where the host went to Israel and hung with that ultra orthodox terrorist schmuck.

I thought that Seapup was a meth head from West Virginia.

oh, my bad. I get all the righties  like Thom and Seapup  confused. 

stop telling people to watch that stupid show brian. jesus

Stop telling me what to do. Jesus.



>Following the recent spate of bomb threats against Jewish community centres and the desecration of graves at cemeteries in Philadelphia and St. Louis, some Muslims have turned to social media to offer to guard Jewish sites.

The offers to protect religious sites have come from Muslims who include military servicemen, lawyers and Emmy Award-winning TV broadcasters.

The JCC Association of North America, a network of cultural centres, reported more than 100 bomb threats against Jewish centres in the first two months of 2017.

On Monday alone, the organisation said another 31 threats were made against Jewish centres including a gunshot fired through a Hebrew school window at an Indiana synagogue.

Viral solidarity

In a tweet, a former Muslim marine, Tayyib Rashid, pledged: "If your synagogue or Jewish cemetery needs someone to stand guard, count me in. Islam requires it."


JR needs to get laid..

Doesn't everybody?

slacker might need to switch his hitting....  the karrats and lemon thing....

Leave JR.alone. He's been having a really hard time adjusting to the whole Viva thing, trying to relive his glory days but finding no kool kids table. Let's show some compassion.

Earlier this year I officially Joined the soka gakkai international lay Buddhist organization that Wayne shorter, herbie Hancock and Tina turner r all a part of.

it's a little freaky, lots of chanting.

Apologies for the poorly-executed Graphic depicting Hüsky with his religious-leader speech.

I am still getting adjusted to using GIMP graphics software, which is free but somewhat complex.

Really meant to use larger Font with a word-balloon.

But yeah, He is starting a Church, in his spare time.

>>seadoggie is a longhair bill sock. everyone knows that. 

Interesting theory.



Chanting and meditation is good stuff, let us know how that works out for you.

So far so good, fog.

thanks for the encouragement!

It's amazing how much the body gets accustomed to it.

i guess it's like anything else physical, like exercise, playing an instrument, doing drugs, etc.

what use to feel like a lot now feels like nothing.

biggest conspicuous benefit so far is a noticeable diminishing of how strongly I seem to b capable of feeling negative emotions.

it's getting more and more difficult to sweat the small stuff and even major shit doesn't seem to cut as deep.

i find myself appreciating the little pleasures in life more as well.

it's pretty cool.

nam myoho renge kyo, brah!