White Hot Rage


A view from Central Virginia:

There’s a savagery in the opposition to President Biden and to the Democratic Party and its voters that seems to bubble up from a deeper well. I’d describe it as men’s rights anger, a desire for a type of conservative male dominance over all aspects of society, government, and culture, rooted in a specific strain of white evangelical arrogance. … It’s Trumpism distilled to 150 proof, what with its celebration and gaslighting of January 6th, barely concealed threats of violence, and constant invocations of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s  “1776 moment.”

Basically, it boils down to the idea that white conservative men can do whatever, whenever, and to whomever they want without consequences as just compensation for the world stolen from them by the effete, barely human Democrat Party-liberal-Marxist-communists, all of whom must be jailed and tried for treason (they’re deadly serious about this). It’s much more than “toxic masculinity,” it’s fascism. And it’s here openly and unabashedly.

I don’t know where this is headed, but it’s nowhere good. And it scares the shit out of me.

You can read the whole thing here. 


as long as there is an electoral college and gerrymandering, it doesn't matter....

<< white conservative men can do whatever, whenever, and to whomever they want without consequences

Not always

Two white supremacist militants accused of plotting deadly violence at a Virginia gun rights rally last year to incite a racial “civil war” were sentenced to nine years each in federal prison. The two men Patrik J. Mathews, 29, and Brian M. Lemley Jr., 35, belonged to an extremist group known as the Base, whose members espouse racial hatred and antisemitism. 


There are dumb ones for sure and they are the ones that usually get caught.  

We will see what happens to the bitch ass punk up in Wisconsin and the three racist turds down in Georgia, one of whom was stupid enough to film the murder.

in virginia, i know this to be true

at least with dudes from there

I like to think of lil' Kyle's future nickname as "Shiv Catcher".




....maybe my mind circles the gutter but White Hot Rage sounds like a porn flick.

Or this:


Not at all shocked as Southern Poverty Law Center has tracked this activity for years.

Only now it influences half or more of the GOP.

We know what they will do, what will we do?
