Where's my apology


Kamala Harris said today she is pro cannabis legalization, that half her family is from Jamaica, that she smoked and inhaled in college, and that cannabis brings joy to a lot of people. To which I say fuck you Kamala and all the rest of the former drug war supporters. Where is the apology to the people who couldn’t get Pell Grants, puked their guts up on chemo, lost jobs, and of course did hard time in our prisons. Getting on the bandwagon in 2019 is hardly courageous unless you apologize to all the people who said for decades that there was never any reason to criminalize a plant.

You’re blaming her for federal policy? You realize she’s relatively new to federal government, right?


You should be getting that handwritten apology sometime early next week.

^^^ It's in the mail. 

>>>You’re blaming her for federal policy? You realize she’s relatively new to federal government, right?

I don’t blame her for the laws,  but as a prosecutor for both SF and California she silently stood by while people were convicted for doing the same thing she did in “college” I’m using her as a symbol for all the politicians coming out in favor of legalization now that it’s safe. Where were they 20 years ago? What has changed now other than poll numbers? Where was the “leadership” on laws that everyone knows where only in place to give police the power to fuck with people who couldn’t afford expensive lawyers.

I know I won’t get it but she should apologize -  as should all the politicians who were complicit in the drug wars.

I suggest you look in the mirror and apologize to yourself I'm sure you have a few items you might want to speak to


"Kamala Harris Stays Mum On Pot While GOP Challenger Backs Legalization"

...."Republican Ron Gold, the state’s former deputy attorney general, is challenging Harris in her reelection bid this fall. Gold has voiced his support for both medical and recreational marijuana, pointing to the failures of prohibition.

“It is common sense, reasonable and rational to change laws that have driven the market for marijuana into the hands of drug cartels and street gangs,” Gold wrote in an op-ed last month.

In an interview with Sacramento NBC affiliate KRCA, Gold further explained his pro-marijuana position, noting the potential tax benefits for the state.

“Colorado is already beginning to prove to everybody that there is a sufficient tax base,” Gold said.

KRCA later asked Harris if she agrees with her opponent.

“He’s entitled to his opinon,” Harris said, laughing.

A Harris spokesman later told KRCA that the attorney general “believes that this is an evolving issue that requires that we monitor what is happening in Colorado and other states, and that ultimately, this should be up to a vote of the people.”

Harris has defended the state’s medical marijuana laws against federal crackdowns, and last year released a report on the potential financial benefits that legal recreational marijuana could bring to California. However, she has yet to join Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (D) in publicly backing legal pot..."



"Kamala Harris on Drugs"


In 2014 Kamala Harris was asked for her opinion on legalizing recreational marijuana. Her response, which incensed the pro-pot crowd to no end, was laughter. What a difference a year makes. Now she's running for a US Senate seat. And she's changed her tune from laughter to support for an end of the federal prohibition on medical marijuana.

At the 2015 Democratic State Convention, here's what she said, "Standing up for the people means challenging the policy of mass incarceration by recognizing the war on drugs was a failure. Now is the time to end the federal ban on medical marijuana."

Harris' own pronouncements on cannabis have been evolving. Last fall she lashed out at feds' continued crackdowns in medical marijuana states, saying, "An overly broad federal enforcement campaign will make it more difficult for legitimate patients to access physician-recommended medicine." Late last year, she also said she believed that recreational pot legalization in California was inevitable.

Source: LA Weekly coverage of 2015 California Senate race , May 20, 2015

Back on Track: re-entry instead of incarceration for drugs

In 2005, as district attorney of San Francisco, I put this strategy to the test when we created "Back on Track," a comprehensive reentry initiative for first-time, nonviolent drug offenders. The initiative focused on personal responsibility by holding offenders accountable for their behavior. In exchange, participants engaged in intensive reentry, life skills training, and education and employment opportunities to reduce the alarmingly high chance that they would resume a life of crime upon their release...





Someone running for high office being opportunistic with their opinions and policy.....

Call 60 Minutes, we have a story here.

I don't know any details about any of this, but in general it's always easier to criticize from outside than it is to live something, and just for devil's advocate's sake I'll ask that as a DA wasn't it her job to prosecute lawbreakers, while now as a senator/presidential candidate it's more her job to make/change laws?

As a DA was she going hard at small-time smokers? Do we know the details of how she dealt with that type of thing?

Either way I'd say that Thom has it mostly right on this one.  

in 2015 the CA foie gras ban was overturned(its back in effect now), and at the time kamala harris stated that she intended to fight to reinstate the ban...she never really did anything, the ban was reinstated by a federal court after her time as AG, but that right there was enough to put me off of her forever.

no statements made on any kind of scientific or physiological arguments for or against foie gras, just knee jerk pandering and typical californian over-regulation. not a fan. it might not be a very important issue to most folks, but its typical of one of the biggest issues with our political system...pandering to uninformed public opinion and knee jerk emotional reactions placed above logic and science. 


Hologram frank!

Yeah, she’s terrible,  better to allow Trump to reign for 4 more years










It also causes problems when you make up stories to fit the current narrative.


Kamala Harris Says She Listened To Tupac And Snoop While Smoking Weed In College. There’s Just One Problem.

Did Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) smoke marijuana in college, or while she was arresting people for minor drug offenses?

That was the question circulating social media Monday evening, after Harris said she smoked a “joint” in college during an interview with the radio show, “The Breakfast Club.” Co-host “Charlemagne tha God” asked Harris if she had ever smoked marijuana, to which the California senator replied: “I have.”

"And I did inhale. I did inhale! It was a long time ago, but yes. I just broke loose," Harris added. She then claimed she smoke a “joint” while in college and remembered being high.

"I think [marijuana] gives a lot of people joy," Harris said. "And we need more joy in the world."

When asked what music she listened to when she smoked, Harris said, “Oh yeah, definitely Snoop. Tupac for sure.”

Except, Harris graduated from Howard University in 1986, and the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in 1989. Tupac released his first album, “2Pacalypse Now,” on November 12, 1991 — two years after Harris graduated from law school. Snoop Dogg released his first album, “Doggystyle,” on November 23, 1993 — four years after Harris graduated law school.

By the time Tupac and Snoop began releasing albums, Harris was already working as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, CA. She started that job in 1990 and left in 1998.




Oh snap!


Next thing you know, a Supreme Court Justice is going to claim that he was drinking as an 18 year-old when it was still legal to do so!

If Kamala were President, she certainly would appoint some judges way worse than Kavanaugh. Maybe even...HILLARY!!!!


Thom, have u ever listened to tupac?

Election death wish:

2008 - Black Man

2012 - Black Man

2016 - White Woman

2020: Black woman

2014: Gay Muslim

Old white guy with a black female.






2028:  gay, black, Muslim woman?

My insta feed is in-out and I'm pretty sure they're hoes too.