What's your fav new features?


No need to enter password every time you post!

And did I just see "you have 5 minutes left to edit" after my last post? Handy for those slip of the finger moments.

except for switching zones, I haven't entered my password in years

My favorite "new" feature is the same shitty black screen that has felt like home for years.

Laughed my ass off first time here to see the 1990's look preserved and still smile when I arrive....   THANKS for that

A list of handles would be great. Curious how many Bob vs Jerry handles there are. 

It would be nice if the threads were split into pages like the list of threads are. Maybe every 30 posts or so, maybe more.

Look into the ratboard.org for some very handy social features too. Ignore list, friends list, private messaging.

I'm loving this new forum but there is always room for improvement.



I like the place Zippy, and admin is Zoning with us, so I am sure they will see some of the annoying things and fix them.  Give them some time.  I am sure Lava has been working his ass of on this place, and I appreciate it.  

Zippy do you know what has happened to Nick?  

1073241.jpgNick needs to be an addition to the trophey case.  

Tulsa, I'm sure Nicky is still a state employee in Colorado. I could not care less.

Also I just made a few suggestions. Pipe down on the lectures.



We appreciate the suggestions and good ideas, thanks! Lots to think about. We are juggling a lot and working on it all as we can.

By the way, Nicky blocked me on Facebook because of peer pressure. If you know his profile y'all should message him.

He might not know about the page. My favorite new feature is a Nicky free zone... I was never anything but a friend to him.



Pipe down on the lectures.  >>>>>>>>>



I will try Zippy.  Sometimes the atmosphere you are in will make you act in ways you would normally not act.  For example when you go to October fest; the first thing you see are a bunch of drunk idiots doing the chicken dance.  About an hour, and a few pitchers later you are also doing the chicken dance.  Stay away from the kool aid is my point.  

Judit: www.ratdog.org

That community has all the bells and whistles. Check it out.



Thanks, lot's of things to think about.  <<<<<<<<


Judit you kids are doing a great job on the development of the playground.  How much time is spent on developing the playground, and who can play in it is my question?

How much is this costing y'all to run the page? Is this a free domain or a pay site?


Also any way you could make the default font bigger? It's like fine print...

We're not here to see for you


I have to admit I like how easy it is to use a variety of colors...

We appreciate the suggestions and good ideas, thanks! Lots to think about. We are juggling a lot and working on it all as we can.<<<

Love the new digs here and I, like most I'm sure, REALLY appreciate the work that it takes. Tons of love to the Viva team!!!

Yes, the whole text box is SWEET.

The fact that this place exists at all is its greatest feature! (And then there are all those other cool features, too. Thank you!!!)

How do you change text size?

Play around with the buttons and figure it out yourself.



Slacker, are you using a computer, tablet, phone? For a computer, you can use command + at the same time (or whatever the PC equivalent of command on a mac is) to make it larger, command - to make it smaller.

CNTRL+  will make the text larger goofballs....and "entering your pw every post"...well that is a browser deal. u can make it save your pw...


i'm sure lava is stoked with all these "enhancement" requests...

Lava himself has requested any suggestions, so yeah I'm sure he is grateful.



The ignore function 

ctrl and the "I" button for ignore.

Haven't tried it myself yet, but applying a link to a picture is pretty cool.


I have an iPhone 5s and I find it inconvenient to read most web pages. I only know how to turn it sideways and swipe my fingers apart on the screen so I have to move the page from side to side to read the whole width.  I'm not used to it or it's not adequate. Sorry I can't be of more help. There are a lot of people around here who are experienced and can help you - I hope soon.

I also have iPhone 5s. Same deal. Small issue in context of the continued life of the zone.wink

Pain in the ass to read on a five inch screen. My iPod Touch 6 is the same size as an iPhone 5.



Love the text box & easy image insert. I'm really enjoying this. Thanks all.


Just having this place. love1.jpg

I heard there will be free bread?  cheeky

I can do bold/italics, quote and pics. Size and color won't change. 

Auto picture resizing!

No bread.


Let them eat cake.

I think everything about this board is better

Sounds like you need to upgrade zip




*baller iPhone touch 6

 morningdew on Thursday, December 8, 2016 – 09:57 am
OG go on home your mamas calling you

By far the best feature IMHO is the new way to do pics and gifs, etc! So much easiter for all of it, to upload and post and even resize.....it's light years ahead of the old command and post on the orgininal zone.

Editing subject lines!

Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to post pics on Brett's forum 

Links that are in articles that you cut and paste are live!

The mini movies

I had a feeling you liked them

The “ignore” feature is by far and away the best thing here. 

Timmy's bored.

You must be too
