What year will AOC run for President?



good I’ll be dead from the super-measles epidemic by that time 

ivanka trump will be the first female prez. 

Never. One term in the house and OAC is out.

2030 will not be a presidential election year.

Maybe 2028?

>One term in the house and OAC is out.



Are you not a fan?

yeah I don’t think her district is going to vote her out any time soon - it doesn’t matter what he rest of the country thinks 


‘Right-wing blowhards are having a tough time with this whole women-in-power thing in Congress’



>..Next on the Women to Hate List is — shocker — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s the newly minted congresswoman from New York’s 14th District and, hoo boy, does she make bitter conservatives bitterer.

Having calculated that savaging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasn’t firing up the he-man pitchfork crowd as much as they had hoped, conservatives are now trying to smear Ocasio-Cortez as young, dangerous, naive, stylish and a good dancer. They also seem unaccountably panicked that she was once known as Sandy.

To many of the attacks, Ocasio-Cortez has issued Twitter clap-backs that deftly surface the barely concealed sexism of her detractors. When conservatives this week tried to make hay out of a dance video she made in college, she made another dance video, chiding the GOP as prigs who hate women who dance.

To a prominent right-wing troll looking to get a rise out of her, she earlier tweeted, “Like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions. And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Catcallers and anti-dancing scolds are two sides of the age-old misogyny coin. What they’re saying to her, as Ocasio-Cortez well knows, is that she’s either frigid and won’t respond to their catcalls or a “whore” because she dances too much.

Ocasio-Cortez’s responses make her detractors even more furious; no one likes to have his ugly misogyny brought to light. When Ocasio-Cortez, in white, stood to vote for Pelosi as House speaker, Republicans broke all precedent and booed her.

“Don’t hate me cause you ain’t me, fellas,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. By turning up the volume on the Republicans’ terrified sexism, as a digital native does best, she’s made quick work of her haters...

Not soon enough.

Please, run on the Green Leap Forward.


You should tell her directly, Thom.

Not sure she'd bother to bitch-slap a relative nobody like you, given the elected toolbags lining up for it.


See Dennis Kucinich


So embarrassing being a republican these days. 

Why y'all so dammed angry and threatened?

^can say the same about corporate dems. 

Good thread topic Slacker.


Not sure about POTUS material. AOC is still a rising superstar and there will be more and more to follow.

Hopefully a charismatic vocal young superstar will rise up for the independents, this country needs it.

>>>>Not sure about POTUS material. 

She makes $180,000 a year. Same as all the others.