What are your odds of dying from a specific cause?


According to the National Safety Council and Centers for Disease Control:

Heart disease: 1 in 6
Cancer: 1 in 7
Smoking-related: 1 in 9
Chronic respiratory disease: 1 in 26
Stroke: 1 in 28
Obesity-related: 1 in 35
Heavy drinking: 1 in 49
Suicide: 1 in 86
Breast cancer: 1 in 95
Opioid Overdose: 1 in 98

Prostate cancer: 1 in 133
Fall: 1 in 117
Assault: 1 in 211
Brain tumor: 1 in 298
Car accident: 1 in 106
Skin cancer: 1 in 457
Pedestrian accident: 1 in 541
Motorcycle accident: 1 in 890
Drowning: 1 in 1,121
Choking on food: 1 in 2,618

Bicycle accident: 1 in 4,060
Airplane accident: 1 in 7,032
Sunstroke: 1 in 7,770
Flu: 1 in 9,410
Hornet, wasp, bee stings: 1 in 53,989
Lightning: 1 in 188,746
Legal execution: 1 in 96,691
Dog Attack: 118,776
Earthquake: 1 in 148,756
Fireworks discharge: 1 in 386,766
COVID-19: 1 in 2,842,928

I'll take 1 - passed away in your sleep, if ya please.

Lovely topic btw with a list full of geriatrics one step away from cashing it in.

Happy holidays,,, thanks for the added anxiety.

Because covid has only been around for a couple of years?   Wonder how they massaged the data to get that result?

Interesting data, but there seems to be a typo in the last entry.  Covid is the third leading cause of death in America in 2021 (behind heart disease and cancer) despite the fact that it is now largely preventable.  

Covid deaths are 1 out of 100 in seniors in the US. 
My dear neighbor included...

CDC stats show 659,000 annual deaths in USA from heart disease.  Covid has taken 800,00 in about 21 months. So stat in original post is obviously about 2 million times wrong.

But wait! If it's on the internet it must be true...

Sort of like this?

dog sniffing another dog's ass.jpg

Pretty sure that one is true.

Interesting list. They left off stats for boredom, laughter, to know and embarrassment.

"Dying to Know" ... that's quite witty Joe.  Besides that actuary table,  I've seen stats for deadly jobs ranked in order.  "Logger" is up there in the top 5 last I checked,  so knowing that, I exercise Extreme Caution when fooling with chainsaws.

Actually,  I'm more likely to get killed by my tractor compared to a Chainsaw.  People who make the mistake of disembarking a Tractor with a live PTO get turned into scrap meat,  happens more often than you might think. Nothing much left to fill a coffin.

Maybe not worldwide,  but car wrecks have to figure in there as a Huge Killer.  Some Idiotstick tried to kill me per vehicular Homicide at the dawn of 2020,  but he was not as skilled as the Waukesha killer (the guy who drove through the X-mas parade in Wisconsin).  Jerseyland has a higher population density compared to India and Pakistan, so you expect lots of car wrecks on the crowded highways.

" i figure the odds at 50/50"

Hard time believing that legal execution is 1 in 96,691.  Very curious about the methodology of this "study".

"...1. Logging workers

Fatal injury rate: 70 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths (2019): 46
Salary: $42,350
Most common fatal accidents: Contact with objects and equipment

The most dangerous job in America is logging. Logging workers had a fatal accident rate that was 21 times the average job nationwide.

Logging workers harvest forests to provide the raw material for goods such as wood, paper, and cardboard, in addition to other industrial products. These workers spend almost all of their time outside in forests and other isolated areas.

Logging workers use heavy machinery to fell trees and handle logs. Logging worker deaths are most often caused by contact with logging machines or logs.

2. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers

Fatal injury rate: 60 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths (2019): 85
Salary: $137,330
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents

Aircraft pilots fly and navigate airplanes, helicopters, and other types of aircraft. In this profession, pilots are responsible for checking the condition of aircraft before and after flights, ensuring the aircraft is balanced, and planning for fuel and flight plans. Pilots also operate the aircraft, communicate with air traffic control, and monitor the aircraft’s systems during flight.

The majority of aircraft pilot fatalities occur in crashes of privately owned planes and helicopters rather than on regularly scheduled commercial jet aircraft...."


As I stepped out one morning into a small cafe
A 40 year old waitress to me these words did say...
She said, "I see, sir, that you are a logger, and not just a common bum
'Cause nobody but a logger stirs his coffee with his thumb"

My lover was a logger, there's none like him today
If you'd pour a little whiskey up on it, he'd eat a bale of hay
My lover came to see me twas on one freezing day
He threw his arms around me and broke three vertebrae

I saw my lover leaving, trudging through the snow
Up going gaily homeward at 48 below
The weather tried to freeze him, it tried its level best
At a thousand degrees below zero, he buttoned up his vest

It froze clear through to China, it froze to the stars above
At a million degrees below zero, it froze my logger love
And so I lost my lover, and to this cafe I come
And here I wait 'til someone stirs his coffee with his thumb


But wait, there.s more.  I'm also a "Farm Supervisor"  and "Farmer" which rank at #7 and #10 on the above list (link above).

So I have pretty good odds of getting killed on the job.
I'm thinking twice about having a handful of Cows here on the property,  they could stampede and kill me,  where Vegetables are not known to be quite as Murderous.

Also, second thoughts about raising Cobras and Rattlesnakes to harvest the Venom.  Maybe Goldfish have a lower risk factor ?  How about a Goldfish ??

Watching K-Pop videos in North Korea is a top killer. Second to starving to death.
