What are you missing?


It's been four weeks in-house for me. Yesterday I was on my school campus to collect some things and I realized how much I missed that place and the daily interaction with students and others.

That got me thinking of other things I'm missing, and I find that far more than shows (although I've missed quite a few really good ones) I am really missing the ocean, ballgames, and just now seeing a live shot of the skyline on TV I realize how much I miss my ol' home town of San Francisco.

Living 45 minutes away I usually find myself there all the time, for a show, a ballgame, a dinner, or just to drive around/goof around in that funky old town.

Four weeks away isn't really all that long, but I find myself missing it, and all those other things.

What are you missing?



Right now, my office chair.  Neither dining room nor kitchen table are ideal for working.

Being in my local watering hole, drinking whiskey & beer with my friends...,


The freedom to move at will. Spontaneity's been shackled by too many calculations lately.

We still have golf here, one person to a cart.

hitting Mystic Dunes today, come on down Knotesau 




no cabin fever here, but do miss the weekend get a-ways with the wife to some of the cities close by, 

Six weeks tomorrow for me.


Live Music 

Having friends over.

Being able to go to the stores I want to. Sprouts in Petaluma, Co-op  and Costco in Ukiah.

Otherwise, not much change from normal. 

Seeing Phil

I miss golf as well, playing it as well as watching the pros. Baseball also; would have been pretty relaxing to watch a bunch of games during this time.

Took a drive up to Pt. Reyes for a pizza and alcohol run yesterday. Nice to be on Hwy. 1 for a little bit. Of course saw people doing stupid shit like parking directly between two barriers clearly marked NO PARKING! AREA CLOSED DUE TO COVID-19.

That course looks pretty nice fabes, have fun.

I have so much shit I still haven't gotten to around here, no time to be board.

But I miss my wife most of all.


My health

Been sick on and off 3 weeks now, can't shake it.

I miss the beach, whenever Im sick I let the salt do its thing but they are all closed.

Wondering if I will ever see a live concert again

I miss hugs. And music parties with my friends. Getting together with the mandos and fiddles and guitars, dobro. Been playing guitar on the porch. Lotsa Prine lately. 

Haven't been to southern Utah for the red rocks in a while. Miss that. I miss not hearing my wife bitch at me about washing my hands every time I turn around.   

Hang in there Tim.

My marbles.

I’m really missing live music. Since I was a little kid, it’s the only other place that ever truly felt like home to me. Lately lots of Robert Earl Keen has filled some of the void.

I really want to walk down the the river and fish a little, but I guess the cops are writing tickets for that.

I actually miss going to pick parts at the junkyard too.

Could be much worse, we’ve got our dogs and a good roof.

2008 economic crash was a good dress rehearsal, for those who paid attention.

The SF Public Library...


I miss playing music with other people. I am taking this opportunity to work on my technique on several different instruments and to dust off some solo arrangements I haven't played in a long time. 


Going out without wear gloves and a mask 

pizza port

the ocean


coaching softball.  I had stepped up to take a Manager's role for my Daughter's softball team.  totally out of my comfort zone and a ton of fucking fun.  I miss pitching BP and helping the girls learn a little about the game.  mostly I miss watching the team crack up or light up when they made contact with a pitch or fielded a grounder.

hopefully we can play again at the end of May but I am not holding my breath for it.  seems to me to be a long shot

The more I learn about CoVID-19  the more I miss being involved in the Medical/Bio Tech  Research community. There is some outstanding innovative research being conducted in this field.

We Gonna Science the shit out of this...


Walstib, my wife works at biomarin (I know bernie, evil biomarin and I still voted for you).  we will science this shit out.  nobody is working harder or smarter then the medical and science communities to triage, contain and supplant this virus 


My 2nd set of keys for the car

About 15-20 pounds?  Who's got my quarantine 15?


My grandparents survived a lot and often told us when we would whine that Things could always be worse ..

How do prisoners locked in a tiny cell, day after day, year after year, do it without going insane?

I hope all still have their income and places of shelter when this is all said and done.

For one thing,Normal trips to the grocery store. I usually go a couple times a week.

Now, I am nearing two weeks and supplies are getting low. Oh,well I am alive.



Kung-Fu night at the Hollywood Theater and movies in general.

Surprised that they haven't been opening up more old drive in theaters.