What are you doing to stop it?


If you believe climate change is going to do all the bad things predicted why haven’t you taken the minimum steps to prevent it? Those would be giving up your car, AC, heat unless it is under 40, and meat. We are sitting at .8C above normal now, and even if we hit the targets laid out under the Paris Accords we are going to 2C above normal, and on our current path 3C+ isn’t off the table.

Just to be clear I eat meat, run my AC and heat, and on most days drive my small SUV 120 miles a day so this isn’t about me doing the right thing. The reason I don’t do anything is I feel like it is useless unless everyone does it, and I don’t have kids. I’m willing to sacrifice but only if we are all in it together. What are you doing?

Interesting discussion about this over at Kevin Drum’s blog about this for those that want to check it out.


Aside from catching fish myself and eating eggs from our chickens, I stick with a plant based diet.  I like to think it makes up for my gas guzzling Subaru and all the air travel I do.  Also, living in the PNW, most of our electricity is supplied by renewable energy sources (i.e. salmon killing dams).

>>>>>>why haven’t you taken the minimum steps to prevent it? Those would be giving up your car, AC, heat unless it is under 40, and meat.


There’s nothing more minimal one could do?  Because saying giving up your car is the least you can do seems pretty laughable.

Apparently TOD does “something” to stop It. He just can’t explain what that “something” is and neither can anyone else.

Thanks for catching fish by yourself, Ken. Huge contribution there.

Relocating the working class to the back of the commute line so that they drive the farthest and pay the most to work in elite cities for the lowest wages.

Cars are the single biggest contributor. I know giving them up is radical, but we don't even want to talk about driving smaller ones. 


^The size of an engine or vehicle doesn’t determine the emissions. There are v4 engines that can produce more harmful toxins and emission than a v8. A leaf blower from the 90s produces more toxic emissions per minute than a Ford 150 truck. We could switch to electric but if we aren’t pulling from renewable energy sources then we really are making much of a difference.

>>>>>Cars are the single biggest contributor.


So pretty far from the minimum then.

I got an electric car and charge it with wind power during off grid peak times. I guess you could call that doing the “minimum” 

People are getting caught up on “minimum” which should have said the very least. Let me let Kevin explain.

Let me put this in concrete terms. If you truly believe that climate change will broil the planet in the next 50 years or so, the very least you should do is immediately get rid of your car and adopt a vegan diet. How many of you have done that? How many of you have even considered it? Virtually none of you.² And like I said, that’s just a start. If you’re really serious, you should also toss out your air conditioning; only heat your house if temps are down in the 40s; never travel anywhere by plane; buy local food; and install rooftop solar. I’m going to let you keep your too-big house, but only because I’m a nice guy.

It seems as though I’m being facetious here, but I’m not. With current technology, this is what it would take from all of us to make a serious dent in climate change. And you’re not doing it. Neither am I. Nor, if we’re being honest, would we vote for anyone who we thought might force us to live like this. And that’s despite the fact that people like us are the most likely to support serious carbon reduction. As we all know, there are plenty of others who won’t even go so far as to support modestly higher CAFE standards or decommissioning of coal plants

A message that should be directed to the worlds worst corporate polluters. Its hard enforcing recycling or emissions laws on regular civilians when corporations get the green light to dump

>>>>>People are getting caught up on “minimum” which should have said the very least.


Those are synonyms so not much difference.  If people could continue to make money while giving up their cars they probably would.  Unfortunately the auto industry had a big hand in determining much of the infrastructure in this country.  


There are are plenty of things much more minimal or at the very least you could do.

We would put solar panels on the roof if we owned our shitty apartment.


Do bumper stickers count?

>>Do bumper stickers count?


>>>>There are plenty of things much more minimal or at the very least you could do.

Yep people can always do less than the minimum required, but the point of the post is that the minimum stuff we need to do in order to reverse climate change is fucking huge, and will probably never happen.

Who wants to be the politician to tell Americans that in order to stop climate change people have to give up cars, AC, meat, and planes?


I always wanted to have a big family with lots of kids but I gave up that dream in order to limit the potential damage that my offspring would have inflicted. 

I vote for raising minimum wages. 

zero population growth.

biked to work for 2 years.


I'm lucky that I can take public transit to work for the last 19 years. I have to spend about an extra hour to do so and walking is what takes up that hour, so I also get the hidden benefits of exercise to boot. My car is a Nissan Versa and it sits in my driveway during the week and most of the weekend. I used to have to drive 1 1/2 hours one way and that sucked, not only in gas and upkeep $$$$$ but mental stress as well. I didn't even think of the environmental cost at the time as I had to do it to for my work. It is humorous and sad to me that my neighbors will drive to the train station while I walk, but to each their own I guess, I don't know their whole story and I don't preach or even bring it up. Most do occupy more seat space than me though........ouroboros?