Welcome To Trump's America

How did you feel about DHS checkpoints in border regions during Obama?

^ i hated it

I've never known anyone that liked traffic. 

If you're ever asked for your "papers" without any reasonable cause, you do not have to give them anything. Ask if you're being detained, and if not, then you are free to go.


>>According to the American Civil Liberties Union:

● You have a right to remain silent. You may have to provide identification. 

● Stay calm and don't run, argue, resist or obstruct the police. Keep your hands where police can see them. 

● Ask if you are free to leave. 

● You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings.

If you are stopped in a car, you should:

● Stop the car in a safe place quickly. Turn off the car, turn on the internal light, open the window partway and place your hands on the wheel.

● Show your driver's license, registration and proof of insurance.

● You can refuse if an officer asks to search your car, but if police believe your car contains evidence of a crime, they can search it without your consent.

● Drivers and passengers have the right to remain silent, and passengers may ask if they are free to leave.

It is also recommended to write down details such as the officer's badge and patrol car numbers, what agency the officers are from, and contact information for witnesses if you feel your rights may have been violated.

Yes, welcome to America!


Now get out.

Just fucking weird to have to show ID to get off of a domestic flight.

Hope it's not the new normal.


Agreed, it's bullshite

Well, you have to show ID (with your ticket) to get through to your departure gate.  And this particular incident at least had some sort of explanation.


I'd keep an eye out for a potential pattern, but at this time I don't feel too concerned, especially related to other matters regarding the current administration.



Trumps mother sucks cock in hell while Fred pimps and grabs pussy. Hope Donald joins them very soon .

Trump's/GOP America is bad for public education.


>>If you have kids in public schools, if you care about kids in public schools, if you care about kids, read this and make calls.
It's really beginning.
House Bill 610 makes some large changes. Inform yourselves.
This bill will effectively start the school voucher system to be used by children ages 5-17, and starts the defunding process of public schools.
In addition the bill will eliminate the Elementary and Education Act of 1965, which is the nation's educational law and provides equal opportunity in education.
It would repeal ESSA (Every Students Succeeds Act):
ESSA is a big comprehensive program that covers programs for struggling learners, AP classes, ESL classes, classes for minorities such as Native Americans, Rural Education, Education for the Homeless, School Safety (Gun-Free schools), Monitoring and Compliance and Federal Accountability Programs.
The Bill also abolishes the Nutritional Act of 2012 (No Hungry Kids Act) which provides nutritional standards in school breakfast and lunch.
The bill has no wording whatsoever protecting kids with special needs, and no mention of IDEA and FAPE.
Some things ESSA does for Children with Disabilities:
-Ensures access to the general education curriculum;
-Ensures access to accommodations on assessments;
-Ensures concepts of Universal Design for Learning;
-Includes provisions that require local education agencies to provide evidence-based interventions in schools with consistently underperforming subgroups;
-Requires states in Title I plans to address how they will improve conditions for learning including reducing incidents of bullying and harassment in schools, overuse of discipline practices and reduce the use of aversive behavioral interventions (such as restraints and seclusion).
Please call your representatives and ask them to vote NO on House Bill 610 (HR 610) introduced by three Republican reps.

Trumped aring now on Showtime.


The rise of Dondald Trump,


sequel coming soon :)

Buy the Anarchist Cookbook before it is banned. 


So disturbing what the reaction to Dexter Fowler's comments were from some inbreeding, racist St. Louis Cardinal fans.

He has an Iranian wife and made some innocuous comment about how the ban is 'unfortunate' and these are the replies he was met with.



oh the copper doesn't like being treated as if he was just another dark-skinned dude?