Watch my brother-in-law save woman's life!


In the High Sierra post, Bart mentioned people getting swept away in rivers lately. This is from the American River (outside Sacramento in foothills) last week:

"The water is really high this year from all the snow melt.  We saw a couple and their dog pass us before we took a different route up high overlooking the river.  A few minutes later, we saw the woman flailing in the water – we’re not sure how she fell in.  She was clearly trying to get to the side of the river to climb out, but the current was too strong.  She finally grabbed a rock in the middle of the river. "

My brother-in-law ran down to the shore to see if he could get close enough for a rescue from our side of the river.  No.  He grabbed her boyfriend and the 25’ dog leash they had with them, left the dog and their stuff with a family that was down by the river. They had to run back along the trail for about a mile before they could cross the river on a log and then ran the mile back along the other side of the river.  He got another guy who looked strong (in the white t-shirt) to come along and help too.  The boyfriend (blue shorts) and other guy held onto my brother-in-law and lowered him so he could rescue the woman.  She’s safe now, but it was a very near thing. She was in the water for a good 30 minutes and was about to give up.

wow. amazing. your brother-in-law is a good human. 

Wow. Excellent job.

He's a hero.

Thanks for posting.

I know from experience, those rocks are slippery and that water is friggin cold. (I was not there this particular time.) Be careful out there!

My sister-in-law shot that video, and of course phoned for rescue, got more help and spotted, as her husband ran two miles over rough terrain to get to the closest riverbank where he could reach the gal in the water. At the end of that video he looks like he might fall in himself. He's not a professional responder, but did read quite a few "survival" books as a kid. He is the kind of guy you want around if you're in a tough spot.

Good work. folks!

That was incredible. Your family must be very proud of him.

Good on him.  He's lucky.  Situations like this don't usually have a happy ending.

WOW! Great job on your BIL Alan, all the rivers are raging like this. The snow melt is unreal. She is one lucky camper. Just glad to see your BIL go out of his way to help her. Some of the pretties areas on the planet but so deadly. Stuff like this is on the news all the time lately. 

Thanks for the post Alan, tell your BIL job well done.

Just like Cat fish John said. Mama said: 'Don't go near that river'
'Don't be hanging around old Catfish John'
'Come the morning, I'd always be there'
'Walking in his footsteps in the sweet Delta dawn'.

Hi Timmy, just keep a closer eye on your kids this year. You just never know. 

I mean this in a good way smiley

Good Samaritan saw a father and daughter drowning – and could only save one of them

Jesus Slacker, this is supposed to be a happy thread..... not a downer drowning thread.. you're bummin me out

rivers are pretty scary.

nice job.

>>>>>Hi Timmy, just keep a closer eye on your kids this year. You just never know. 


For sure. We've taught them pretty well.  They're always telling me how dangerous the rivers are.  It's rad how much water is there this year.  Grizzly Falls in Kings Canyon is pumping like 500x harder than last year at this time.

>> Hi Timmy, just keep a closer eye on your kids this year. You just never know. 

*read in DeNiro Cape Fear voice*

Kern River is another trouble spot. There's a couple hot springs back in there including some on the "other side"of the river and the river looks so narrow and peaceful...and easy to cross -- "just hop across those boulders"  --  it's anything but.

Awesome effort by BIL in the rescue !!

Did some rafting upon the Mighty McKenzie way back when near Vida / Blue River east of Eugene OR.  We were amateurs and could have gotten drowned.  A buddy who was on the overweight side rode the smaller inflatable due to his misinterpretation of English.  I explained that it was "The Cooler Raft"  and he thought that meant "This raft is way Coooool" but actually it was "That raft is suitable only for carrying the Beer Cooler".

There were a bunch of us "Ship O' Fools"  in various inflatables who had no idea there were rapids on the course.  We all got out alive and preserved the Beer & Cooler.

Good work BIL! Thanks for sharing the video and the story, Alan.

I love those rocks.

There are approximately 10 to 15 river drowning deaths on the Potomac each year, never makes it into the paper.

Most public areas have no swimming signs that get ignored.


>> He's lucky. 

She's lucky.

In singing about the Kern River, Merle Haggard put it best: “It’s a mean piece of water, my friend.”

Glad all involved are safe!

Good work people!

Awesome! Congratulations on saving a life! 


phew, excellent work!

Brother in law - A+++ kudos on answering the call for humanity

Phone videotographer - D+   turn the thing sideways...


If Fog was the rescuer:


"grab on to my braided goatee!"

Or he may have had some sort of road kill in the car to preform an Indian rescue ceremony with.

Normal procedure here would be to throw in the tall skinny long armed white boy YOU to secure the damsel. Then find a really long stick to fish you both out.

Just incredible she was not knocked out and could grab a rock and hold on for so long!

what an amazing job by all!

I just returned from HSMF and drove up the Feather River 


They made an announcement from the mainstage on Friday saying stay away from the river, too many people have already drowned :(

Completely bad ass