Warren, Sanders to appear together at Boston rally Friday


Warren, Sanders to appear together at Boston rally Friday

By The Boston Globe 3:47 PM


Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren will join Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for a political rally in Boston that will join the nation’s leading political progressives under one roof.

The rally, sponsored by Sanders’ political non-profit Our Revolution and Raise Up Massachusetts, will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Orpheum Theater in Downtown Crossing.

Read the complete story at BostonGlobe.com.


-Seen both Phil (PLQ) & Bobby (Ratdog) at the orpheum.



What are the rest of the Dems doing besides avoiding those two? 

I'm supportive of course, but not sure I see what the point of rallying in Boston is. If they want to have an impact, go to Georgia and campaign for Jon Ossoff: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/03/democrat-gaining-ground-in-...

So it's a Sanders/Warren ticket in '20 ?

Meh, politicians.  


I'm rooting for a Franken/Stein ticket.

Will you pay me $5 for your extra?

>> I'm  rooting for a Franken/Stein ticket<<


Stein was the least qualified candidate in 2016, but maybe Putin can get her up to speed for 2020.


She gonna talk about how she gave Bernie the snub during the primaries?

Here’s where Elizabeth Warren stands on a single-payer health care system

By Nik DeCosta-Klipa



The vast plurality of Americans receive their health insurance through work. And that fact in itself could be a mighty barrier to reform — in a country where most dislike taxes — according to J. Michael McWilliams, a health care policy professor at Harvard Medical School.

“Currently workers pay much of their health insurance premium through reduced wages, but most believe their employers bear the costs of their health insurance,” McWilliams said. “It is a hidden tax. Shifting to a financing scheme typical of a single-payer system would make working adults’ contributions to the system more clearly a tax, which even if equivalent to what they pay now may be unappealing to many.”


>> “It is a hidden tax. Shifting to a financing scheme typical of a single-payer system would make working adults’ contributions to the system more clearly a tax, which even if equivalent to what they pay now may be unappealing to many.”

It's not a tax. It's voluntary.  

Shifting to single-payer system would make it involuntary.