US seizes NorCal pot-growing houses tied to China-based criminals


US seizes NorCal pot-growing houses tied to China-based criminals

Don Thompson, Associated Press Updated 3:43 pm, Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sorry for your loss Dan cheeky

Dam Trump now weed tariffs cheeky

Seriousry??? WTF man I though Americans had cornered the market on growing weed in the USA. 

We need a net or something to keep the Chinese out, 

Lots of California homes were sold to illegal Hispanics and Asians since the housing bubble crashed.

I don’t think the Chinese are sending their best growers 

Colombia looks to become the world’s supplier of legal pot

By Anthony Faiola March 10 Email the author

America Is Giving Away the $30 Billion Medical Marijuana Industry

Why? Because the feds are bogarting the weed, while Israel and Canada are grabbing market share.

By Josh Dean

A woman that I know just came from Columbia

She smiled because I did not understand

Then she broke out a ten pound bag of cocaine

She said it was the best in all the land

And she was not joking 

Protecting hard working American farmers from those dasterdly Chinamen.  Seriously, if we are going to get into a trade war with China, this is not a bad way to go.   They have busted plenty of Asian run grow houses up this way.  Big business and have no problem with some good old fashion protectionism.  USA, USA . . .

looks like Sac Bee has been on this story for a while...

Marijuana grow houses lead to criminal charges and civil penalties for Sacramento woman


Raids on marijuana grow houses often find Chinese ‘farmers’ inside


WTF is next Chinese motorcycle gangs these people are a menace 

> though Americans had cornered the market on growing weed in the USA. <


um like there are mexi cartels in n. cal...

I just want to smoke pot, man.  

Wow so all of the pot in CA is grown by Mexicans and Chinese why hasn’t our dear leader worked this angle yet. I’m pretty outraged right now. 

Good. Grows like this are all over the US. Sometimes slave labor. But why would they do it in Nor Cal? That's dumb.  OO is the king!!!

>>>>>>But why would they do it in Nor Cal? That's dumb


Because you can get away with growing tons of plants there.  Where would you suggest they set up?  Kansas?

Tim, honestly, just let stuff roll man.  You live in CA, your views are skewed, and if you read what I posted you would have seen "THESE GROWS ARE ALL OVER THE COUNTRY". Including kansas.

You asked why in Northern California.  The answer is you’re allowed to grow up to 99 plants there and enforcement is lax compared to other parts of the country.


Sorry if the answer made it seem like a stupid question.

^^^ it did

waiting for the triple-down 

  Hey tim, you can take shots at me but you might want to think first. ILLEGAL GROWS. So what you are saying Tim is you are ok with Mexican Mafia weed and Chinese slave weed all over Norcal?  You are good with watering down the market with subpar herb, hurting the economic stability of friends and neighbors who helped create the market? All while using dirty chems and polluting? This is ok with you? In an area where the strains have been cultivated and grown for decades by our very own kind citizens.  The triangle will always be the mothership dude.

and BTW lax? they got busted.  I swear you just want to stir shit.

thats a double down bucks

Hey Timmy, if you aren't wanking marky right now, what other threads have you contributed to today?   Love for Judit?  Music? nope, just where i posted. And I haven't been here in weeks.

Thats a triple Bucky.

>>>>>And I haven't been here in weeks.

Me either.  What’s your point?


You asked why they grow there and I answered.  Did you not want anybody to respond?  You seem to be a little lashy-outy.  Everything okay?



>>>>>and BTW lax?


Yes.  The most lax in the entire country.  Doesn’t mean some people still don’t get busted.


Why did you think that’s where a majority of the nations pot is grown?

take a dab or 4 fly.

>>>>>Love for Judit?


i didn't post in that thread. I don't post in most good threads. 

Now now, its not my fault I have to explain things to you Tim. I think you are aware what my question was though. And my original point. If you really think its a good idea to have these illegal grows in CA, thats cool. I do not. And why would you pick the heart of pot country where scrutiny of outsiders is greater and the overall market poorer? Slaves dont care if they go to jail right? Thats why they have the illegal grows all over the country. I bet you would get more dough for your product in a non-legal state. But thats my opinion.Yours?

keep it simple.

Acceptance- tranquility- its easy.


Then she broke out a ten pound bag of cocaine

She said it was the best in all the land

And she was not joking <<<<


You Do Blow ? = That Sucks no

>>>You do blow?

It’s a Sir Ringo Starr song maybe you can take up your morality play with him, Nancy Reagan Jr

>>>>>>>I think you are aware what my question was though




By Fly Fly on Thursday, April 5, 2018 – 12:22 pm

Grows like this are all over the US. Sometimes slave labor. But why would they do it in Nor Cal? That's dumb.

I explained why there and why it's actually smart to locate an illegal grow there if you have your choice of anywhere in the country.


>>>>>>>If you really think its a good idea to have these illegal grows in CA, thats cool


I don't and never said or alluded to anything like that.



>>>>>>And why would you pick the heart of pot country where scrutiny of outsiders is greater and the overall market poorer?


They grow it there because the laws surrounding marijuana are the most lax in the country.  The don't just sell it locally.  



>>>>>>>>Now now, its not my fault I have to explain things to you Tim.


Oh irony.


>>>>>>>Thats why they have the illegal grows all over the country. I bet you would get more dough for your product in a non-legal state. But thats my opinion.Yours?


I'll explain it one more time.  Yes there are illegal grows in every state.  However the lax laws in Northern California are why there are more grows per capita there and why a majority of the nations pot is grown there.


Does it make sense yet?


OO is the king 

It’s a Sir Ringo Starr song<<<<

Ringo had a hit with "The No No Song" but Hoyt Axton wrote it.

TY for the clarification Herbal Dave. 

Did Ringo write “You’re Sixteen”? That one hasn’t really aged well. 

Ringo contributed one word to that tune, I believe. It was "car".



I prefer "act naturally"