
Getting harder and harder to look the other way:

The Navy has a perplexing mystery on its hands. For several weeks in 2019, unknown objects stalked U.S. warships off the coast of southern California. While the bizarre “drone” encounters remain unsolved, the incidents occurred in an area with a long history of UFO sightings, including two of the most credible encounters on record.

Importantly, if the UFOs that stalked the Navy warships were part of an adversarial intelligence collection effort, the objects’ operators made little effort to conceal their presence. Videos taken aboard one U.S. vessel show the mysterious craft displaying bright and flashing lights. At the same time, Navy radar operators tracked the objects with apparent ease, even expressing surprise as the craft engaged in anomalous maneuvers. In another video, a spherical object (which has noteworthy parallels to UFOs observed by fighter pilots off the U.S. east coast) appears to descend slowly into the ocean.


Yep.  The Navy videos are pretty wild.   Something strange indeed.

Obama recently confirmed in an interview that these UFOs exist and nobody knows what they are.   

The only UFO I saw. 1978?



Everything else was just a Unidentified Flying Object which I'm sure has an explanation.  

My Mom and her sister saw one when she was 16/17 on Long Island that was a block long and a hundred feet tall, red spinning like a very silent hum and put off an odor and a slight breeze.

It covered her entire block and as fast as it appeared it disappeared

He sister who is still alive remembers it like it was yesterday

It hovered for 7-8 seconds and Aunt BB said it smelled like cold cucumber soup

BB will discuss it, my Mom was a lil more freaked out and did not like to talk about it

They're up there

I've seen em 

Can't tell me I didn't 

I've shared my UFO story before, strange shit! 

Pretty sure I'm an alien

These videos / reports are questionable IMO.. they come out of a company created in Harry Reid's State that was awarded the 22 million dollar contract when he was majority leader. These videos / reports are all they produced when people looked into where did that 22 million go 

Whoever they are and wherever they come from, one thing is certain, they don't seem impressed.

^^ you mean you didn't drive 70 during Harry Reid (NV) time in office, crisscrossing the country, seeing the dead, and you didn't see a stealth bomber?


>>>Whoever they are and wherever they come from, one thing is certain, they don't seem impressed.


Jerry died man.  On to another galaxy to find the real deal. Dead & Co doesn't cut it.


>Aunt BB said it smelled like cold cucumber soup<

No surprise there, if you've ever seen the aliens piloting these craft.

