TXR Jumps the Shark with Chum




OK, got it.

Shark is jumped.

Yet again.

And again and again and again and again and...

Carry on with The Knowledge.

And thanks for cluing us in. I'll try to keep that in mind the next time I go to TxR.

"Oh shoot, I forgot. The Shark Is Jumped. Oh well. I guess I'll hear good music and have a damn good time anyway."

(FYI, the place is groovin' and Phil is still one-of-a-kind brilliant. It was great there last night, same as it's ever been)


Oh, chum.

u so derivative.

Relax, Lance. It's a joke.

Ah. Yes, now I get it.

Never mind.

(I'm not at my best these days, that's all I can say).

i don't get it either

Turtle must not be at his best these days either.

It really is pretty easy to see.


Good one Zooey.

Maybe Turtle never saw Jaws?

Best thread title of 2017

Fun take on the donut thing... and what else is there besides played live or on a studio album, sound checks and rehearsals  :-) 

Zooey is my lurker cuz's fav Zoner this week, 

BTW, Danish is better than a donut. IMO

i think im gonna be seasick

Fun Saturday at Terrapin Crossroads. The place is booming. Two sets from Phil and the Boys out in the back.

As for Chum, they sounded good, but then I don't know Real Phish from Fake Phish.

Come to the cabaret, old chum.

>>>I don't know Real Phish from Fake Phish<<<

I bet it's pretty easy to tell.

Even if it's good, one is real, one is "fake".

As always there's a reason for the difference.