Tuckums is Out at Faux Nooz


Fuck that guy.

Second big Succession shocker this season!

Who will create a false narrative for us now crying

Tucker Carlson = worst human being known to man.  

Who's on your Mount Trashmore?

Hitler, Stalin, Ted Bundy, Tucker?

I believe he's shown himself to be sub-human, Ken.

Blues posted it here before Yahoo news had it up...

Here is how the conversation went:

These lies cost us 800 million, you can't lie anymore.

Carlson: If I don't lie they won't watch.

Exactly...good luck in the future.... 

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How many people are thinking this today:

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tuckers twitter bio at the time of this post reads -

Emmy-award-winning broadcast journalist, graduate of Harvard College & Yale Law School. Frequent visitor to the Aspen Inst. Fully vaccinated. She/Hers

and then has a little ukrainian flag emoji at the end of it ahahahahahahahaha LMAO

Just need to dump Hannity and Ingram next.

Good day for the USA

Who will create a false narrative for us now

Sadly there is probably a long line of crazies willing to give it the old college try

Can't help but wonder how deep his ties are with Putin?


Well this is more than a little odd. When you despise someone, do you keep large pictures of them wearing a swimsuit around?

Mr. Carlson is also facing a lawsuit from a former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture. Ms. Grossberg said in the lawsuit, which was filed in March, that on her first day working for Mr. Carlson, she discovered the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit.


Ingram and Hannity next? 


Apparently RussianRT has offered him a job

Wasn't he already working for them?! Maybe he's as bad at accounting as Justice Thomas and just forgot to list the money and gifts  he received. He's just accepting gifts from his good friend Vlad.. 





a) now he's a martyr

b) there's still oan and whatever other trash networks exist

c) it ain't gonna change him will likely make him feel even more justified in his assholery


Fuck that guy.

And with that, the blue underline is back. Or it was.

It's been showing up again occasionally, Mike. I sent lava a text with a link to the first one I saw of the new round. Now? We wait.

And fuck around.

Pretty stoked that Don Lemon got shit-canned, but y'all ought to get ready for VP Tucker Carlson if biden is the best the DNC will do for voters. Kinda doubt Pence will uh stick his neck out again for the guy who tried to get him assasinated on his last day of work.

>get ready for VP Tucker Carlson<

I was just going to post that.

Minister of Propaganda is more appropriate, a la Joseph Goebbels


Our timeline is way too stupid for Tucker as Trumps VP we are destined for Tucker running as President and his VP will be Tulsi Gabbard running against Jon Stewart and AOC.

>  we are destined for Tucker running as President and his VP will be Tulsi Gabbard running against Jon Stewart and AOC.

If that happens, we should forget about voting this time around and insist the candidates settle it with a cage match to the death.

I really hope this is photochopped.

He's actually the one responsible for the downhill ride of the Grateful Dead. 

This is the best thing to come out of the Dominion lawsuit 

He's actually the one responsible for the downhill ride of the Grateful Dead.

jerry was thinking about starting HRT and tuck was like "no no no try this china white instead"

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Honestly, what difference does this make?

Oh, everyone feels great and validated and RIGHTEOUS!!!

(Because it's always so important to feel righteous)

But what difference will it make?

Fox will just put another soulless talking head in that spot to continue spewing their fake news, just like they did after they booted Bill O'Reilly.

And no matter what interchangeable drone they put on the air next, their millions of mindless zealot followers will continue to tune in and continue to believe everything they hear.

Or at least believe everything they understand.

Which of course isn't much, which is how Fox makes their living.

So, who's the next person we'll love to hate?

And does it really matter?

Nothing will change at Fox until the Simpsons jump ship.  


^Fox news doesn't need advertisers. They made $1.8 billion in carriage fees in 2021. That was the most recent figure I found. 


>>> Fox will just put another soulless talking head in that spot to continue spewing their fake news, just like they did after they booted Bill O'Reilly. 

yep, prolly this one



 I really hope this is photochopped<<<<

Apparently not.  Skip down to the Dead Right section for the details:


He almost doesn't sound like a giant douche in that interview. I wonder where and how and when he went so wrong.


The guy on the right in the uncropped photo sorta looks like John Mayer.

jer looks thrilled to have his pic taken with

Boyz ll Facist


whole new take on on bended knee and end of the road


Maybe Tucker's public persona is just a character?  One that has made him very rich and famous, and given him a degree of power over some.  All very tempting things to many human beings.

I had a kid shopping in my store yesterday, while I was playing Yes' triple live Yessongs album.  We spoke about how drummer Bill Bruford had left Yes at their commercial peak during the 72-73 tour to join the not particularly successful at that point King Crimson.  I said that Bruford had chosen art over money.  The young man said, "well, I think that's always the better choice."  I replied, "oh yeah, you get to live with yourself and sleep better!"

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>> Maybe Tucker's public persona is just a character?  One that has made him very rich and famous, and given him a degree of power over some.  All very tempting things to many human beings


facist, misogynistic, bigoted, white nationalist think he's one of them, sooo....


the fish stick heir has always been wealthy

like able libertarian 

he's grown more callous after being told to kick rocks after cnn and msnbc dumped his racist ass

its no longer flirting with fascism, no half-steppin, just full on




Thx Joy- that clip is solid gold!

Tucker to John Stewart: "you're much funnier on your show"

John Stewart to Tucker: " You are as big of a dick on your show as you are on any show"

Apparently Tucker hasn't learned anything in the last 17 years except that ditching the bow tie was a good idea.

John pointed out many times what a hack Tucker is and how disingenuous he is,  but couldn't really get Tucker to listen at all.

I know some of you will be surprised by this, but it turns out dear ol' Tucker is a racist ....and this text is what sent him packing.  




Tucker Carlson January 7, 2021 — 04:18:04 PM UTC

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living shit out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Then somewhere deep in my brain, an alarm went off: this isn’t good for me. I’m becoming something I don’t want to be. The Antifa creep is a human being. Much as I despise what he says and does, much as I’m sure I’d hate him personally if I knew him, I shouldn’t gloat over his suffering. I should be bothered by it. I should remember that somewhere somebody probably loves this kid, and would be crushed if he was killed. If I don’t care about those things, if I reduce people to their politics, how am I better than he is?

I am more surprised that he a modest modicum of humanity when he checked his joy and excitement of watching the Proud Boys beat the kid.

I wouldn't credit Carlson with possessing humanity as much as having a sense that he knows what he was doing was wrong. Consciousness of guilt, in other words.