Trump Travel


Will he cancel his trip to attend Roger Ailes funeral? Or just use the death as an excuse to cut his travel abroad short?


WASHINGTON — President Trump leaves on Friday for a nine-day, five-city foreign excursion, his first trip outside the United States as the country’s leader and top diplomat.

He doesn’t really want to go.

In recent days, Mr. Trump has groused to several friends that he is not looking forward to leaving his new White House cocoon for high-profile, high-pressure meetings with dozens of world leaders in unfamiliar settings.

At one point, he barked at an aide that he thought his first tour abroad should be only about half as long. He will have to abandon his well-known preference for sleeping in his own bed (or in one at the hotels or golf resorts he owns) as he hops between Saudi Arabia, Israel, Belgium, Italy and the Vatican — all places without a Trump-branded property.

But the trip comes at a critical moment for Mr. Trump’s young presidency. It is his first opportunity to deliver specifics about his “America first” worldview to a global audience that has watched his initial, chaotic months in the White House with a mix of amusement, befuddlement and alarm...

Could just seek asylum in Moscow 

Is there a Trump Tower in Russia? He'd probably be thrilled to move there. A win:win



I hope he does cancel the trip. He is certain to make blunders that will further diminish the stature of the US and cause our allies to doubt our reliability. 


I hope kushner accompanies him to Saudi Arabia

He doesn’t really want to go.<<<<<<<<

of course not- he knows he'll be met with mass demonstrations , booing, and shoe throwing

>>>shoe throwing

mmmmmm, sweet shoe throwing. 

Should be a barrel of laughs.

Technical question.   I tried to post a gif of the "W" shoe throwing incident and it didn't work.  Can you post gif images here?

>> Can you post gif images here?

Yes, but there are size limitations.

how soon before Trump fires Mueller? 


Today or tomorrow?

Hopefully he'll defect and seek asylum. 



Ha Ha Ken ! I Forgot all about That Incident ! #FlyingShoe

Never Forget



>In 1974, Richard Nixon became the first American President to visit Saudi Arabia and Israel—as well as Syria—on a swing intended to chalk up triumphs abroad and, more pointedly, to divert attention from the escalating Watergate crisis at home. It was a reassuring trip for the beleaguered President. He promoted a new peace process and talked up a regional realignment to stabilize the Middle East after the 1973 war. Leaders fêted him. Flag-waving crowds lined the streets, even in Damascus.

The trip didn’t change his fate. Two months later, Nixon resigned...



..Trump may get the coolest reception at the Vatican. Trump initially praised the election of Pope Francis, in 2013. “The new Pope is a humble man, very much like me, which probably explains why I like him so much!” Trump tweeted, on Christmas Day in 2013. But the President, who made billions in real estate, and the Pontiff, who eschewed the apostolic palace to live “a normal life” at a clerical guest house, have distinctly different world views. During the U.S. Presidential campaign, the Holy Father tweeted, “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” Trump called the comment “disgraceful.”

The Pontiff has been discreet, implying but not naming the new American President. In February, after Trump signed an executive order banning immigrants from seven Muslim countries, the Pope tweeted, “How often in the Bible the Lord asks us to welcome migrants and foreigners, reminding us that we too are foreigners!”..

Ther will be so many shoes flying you will think you're at an iggy pop show

Ah, snowflake needs his safe space.

A clerical guest house? Score!

-- PETER BAKER, who is traveling with the president to Saudi Arabia and Israel: “Tips for Leaders Meeting Trump: Keep It Short and Give Him a Win”: “For foreign leaders trying to figure out the best way to approach an American president unlike any they have known, it is a time of experimentation. Embassies in Washington trade tips and ambassadors send cables to presidents and ministers back home suggesting how to handle a mercurial, strong-willed leader with no real experience on the world stage, a preference for personal diplomacy and a taste for glitz.

“After four months of interactions between Mr. Trump and his counterparts, foreign officials and their Washington consultants say certain rules have emerged: Keep it short -- no 30-minute monologue for a 30-second attention span. Do not assume he knows the history of the country or its major points of contention. Compliment him on his Electoral College victory. Contrast him favorably with President Barack Obama. Do not get hung up on whatever was said during the campaign. Stay in regular touch. Do not go in with a shopping list but bring some sort of deal he can call a victory.”

Ted Lieu rocks.

Ya gotta admit, the kremlin looks way cooler than the white house. I say let the russians give the white house a facelift before impeaching trump.

Trump is Putin's Mini Me. Nothing cool about that. 

Well, the trip is off to a rather lucrative start for American businesses with a deal to sell the Saudi Kingdom $110 billion in military hardware. And the Saudis appear to be ignoring Trump's offensive statements about Muslims and are giving him a hero's welcome and stroking the guy's ego with the equivalent of Macy's Thanksgiving parade. 


^the trip is off to a rather lucrative start for American businesses with a deal to sell the Saudi Kingdom $110 billion in military hardware.^



Kushner called Lockheed CEO about $100B Saudi arms deal


President Donald Trump's son-in-law and utility diplomat, Jared Kushner, shocked a high-level Saudi delegation earlier this month when he personally called Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson and asked if she would cut the price of a sophisticated missile detection system, according to a source with knowledge of the call.

Pressured to finalize a massive $100-plus billion arms deal in the two weeks leading up to Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia, Kushner hoped to maneuver a discount on Lockheed's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system during the Saudis' visit to the White House on May 1 -- a request that Hewson said she would look into at the time.

Kushner and his $110 billion Saudi arms deal, tho. 

^nice to see Kushner trying​ to save the Saudis some money.

Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States 


Gold bling! They know how to stroke that narcissist!

He didn't bow- he curtsied!

The sword dance he participated in is about pledging allegiance to the Saudi king...

HUGE Arms Deal With The Saudis $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I Mean HUGE !


Gold bling! They know how to stroke that narcissist!  <<<< Exactly Zooey !

KUSHNER Is A FUCKING WIMP Wannabee ! What A Kook Family !

Gold To The Saudis Is Like Copper United States = HA HA !  Saudis Bling Is Ordinary Jewelry........

bandar bush...

Blues For Allah / Sand Castles & Glass Camels / Unusual Occurrences In The Desert...

WTF? <<<


Don't Let That Pic Fool You ! They are All Really Horny Rich $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Men.

Trump supporters who have repeatedly bashed HRC et al for "taking Saudi money" because of their human rights issues are eerily silent now that that orange emperor has bowed to Saudi's and made absolutely no mention of their human rights issues and somehow chickened out with his (and the GOP's) huge deal of saying "Radical Islamists" out loud.


Funny shit