Trump Russian Investigation news...Bad Cheato!


Michael Flynn in talks with Congress, wary of prosecution

By Chad Day, Eileen Sullivan, and Julie Pace, Associated Press


'Follow the trail of dead Russians', security expert tells intelligence hearing on Trump-Kremlin links

Murders were carried out not only in Russia, but in western countries as well, Clint Watts says


They only give you Immunity when they want someone higher up. Trumps the only one above NSA Flynn per reporter on Morning Joe. It goes to top. Morning Joe comparing it to Watergate & Iran Contra scandals.


Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

6 mins ago - View on Twitter

Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!

yesterdays hearing was insane.

this is so fluid.

basically the take from the first day is that Russia, just as they have in other countries, have been working through cyber warfare to destabilize the democratic process of this country, and are still up to it, just in the last few days working to drive a wedge in the Republican Party since the failure of the Health Care bill last Friday, that nearly every Russian agent killed around the globe in the last 3 months has a connection to this, and that when Trump is historically online over the last 2 years, and tweeting strange news or thoughts, those ideas almost exclusively came from Russian based Twitter accounts which were bots tweeting phony shit exclusively when Trump was active. 

there was so much more thrown out.

the Senate Intelligence Committee is being run by adults, thankfully.

Flynn's Letter to the committee from his lawyer used the term witchhunt, in almost identical manner. 

I'm interested to see what Sally Yates has to say.


The hypocrisy is incredible. Scott Pruitt lies to the Senate about using private email server. Lock him up!!

Trump was the ultimate mark.

Actually his voters were the ultimate mark. Trump himself was worthless without his moronic followers.

"Trump himself was worthless without his moronic followers." - DB


Guy, on a side note, FBI released a new grip of 9/11 pentagon photos yesterday.

Carry on with Russia. 

Giving immunity to Flynn is a bad idea. Remember Ollie North got immunity and took all the blame for Iran contra, the Reagan administration got off scot-free.

The best comment I saw was when they were asked why Russian manipulation worked so well this year since they have been doing this stuff for 50 years?

The Answer: Because Trump was a willing participant. He would re-tweet fake news stories and generally amplify whatever the Russians were putting out. How many times did we hear him say the election was rigged. That was a Russian promoted meme about the US election. Hell he still says it. 

Also interesting to hear reporters talk about how they would get thousands of negative responses anytime they would post anything negative about Trump even during the primaries. They just chalked it up to the Alt-Right. But the day after the election. Cricket -  all those trolls went away. 

Pot coming to a boil...

The only way he gets immunity is if he serves up the trumpster.

Just browsed through those FBI pics.. no way a plane flew in there. Probably a guided missle of some sort.

That hole isn't the exterior. Probably the exterior of the inner ring, since you can see the opposing wall.

The debris is interesting.

the perfectly round hole is on the more central external elevation of the third ring in from the outside.


what's really interesting is if you draw a straight line from the outside hole to the interior punch out hole in the third ring, there doesn't seem to be anything puncturing the second ring in between.

could be perspective and doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it's odd.


either way, pretty unbelievable for a hollow aluminum nose tube to penetrate three rings containing six walls of concrete, block and steel, and punch out a perfectly round hole, especially after apparently perfectly navigating a forest of internal steel columns at an angle, so it's not like there was a hallway. 


Think about how fucked up the nose cone of a commercial jetliner can get from a single oncoming goose.


The debris is indeed interesting.  Not a single large identifiable airplane part other than the seat belt photo or whatever that one photo was with the numbers on a single part.

Did you hear about North Korea?

>> Think about how fucked up the nose cone of a commercial jetliner can get from a single oncoming goose.

Yea, but it didn't stop the rest of the plane. Inertia is a bitch.

The best thing that can come out of this is that most people will stop believing any fucking story they read on internet and start seeking out legit news and trying to confirm news stories.  We are still in the infancy of this technology, and while it has allowed for so much great independent journalism, we have to take responsibility for what we believe and what news we spread. That will be a challenge for the nation to re-learn going forward and if these investigations help us do that, I'll be grateful.

The interesting thing is that I think Bannon and Alex Jones are probably just as responsible for this situation, and if Cambridge Analytica is half as effective as it claims to be, that's pretty terrifying.  So, is it treason if you intentionally spread fake news from the Russians but not from Alex Jones?  Is it treason if you data mine in order to find just what bullshit to target certain people with (never take a facebook test, poll, or "what rock star/pet/color/politician are you" test)?  Is it only treason if you have Russians do it?  What if you hire an American company to do this for your campaign? What's the difference between extreme propaganda and treason?

I do not think we will find that Trump committed anything close to treason. Probably just was happy a bunch of cool shit somehow got sent to him every day for his tweeting pleasure. Probably has economic ties to Russia, and has a long history of hiring and working with eastern europeans, mainly because he's a racist who would rather hire and be surrounded by super white people.  He's fucked up people's notion of facts in ways that we may never get back though.  I'm sure he knowingly spread news he realized wasn't true.  Some of that is russian, some is breitbart or alex jones, some is neo-nazi (fuck alt-right, they are neo-nazis).  He wouldn't care. No treason or personal collusion is my bet, just ruining the country out of vain stupidity.

As far as Russian meddling, I am sure the US does the same.  Fair for us to complain just as other countries should complain when we do it. Admittedly, a lot fewer people seem to get poisoned in US politics.  Russia is just better and more aggressive with it.  Investigate away, as lights should shine on how we are being manipulated.  But in the end, you can't turn off the internet, so I hope we can all get better at it.

Fuck Trump anyway, I want them to tie this shit to Bannon.  Trump is just the patsy.

>> Not a single large identifiable airplane part


9-11 Pentagon Debris.jpg

Really? OK. I guess you see what you want to see.



9-11 Pentagon Debris 2_0.jpg

I'll give you half a point for those two airplane-y ish looking small pieces of aluminum that approximate the skin of an airplane, Ned, I did miss those.


<<<Inertia is a bitch.



lol. exactly.

Since you bring up the physics of this, 

Think about what would happen to a commercial jetliner (a hollow aluminum tube made mostly of materials softer than concrete and steel save the titanium in the engines ) if it was standing still and the pentagon came at it traveling 500 mph (an impossibility for a commercial jetliner at sea level, btw...we can get more into that too).  


It's the same equation according to the Newtonian Physics.


Third law:When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.


Imagine the pentagon coming in at 500 mph to a stationary 757.  If that plane was pointing juuuust the right way, do you still really believe it could penetrate 6 walls of concrete and steel with three forests of steel columns between?


I dont.

your hypothesis excluded the 1000s of gallons of jet fuel exploding simultaneously. 

no it doesn't.


So why was this not a plane? What's the big picture here?

Were did this 9/11 conspiracy stuff come from the release of those pics. I'll save you some time. It was the Israel's Mossad black ops who assisted on 9/11 and dragged us into war before Israel was bombed and we joined the war effort after that. Saudi Arabia guilty as shit to.

Thanks nugs

One theory was that the fighter jet that supposedly shot down the airliner had the pilot flip out and he sent a missile into the pentagon, thats what i think 73 is getting at.

Ok. Why?

Get him ned. 

I've actually never even heard that theory, Fog.

Why are they releasing Pentagon pix now instead of in 2001?

Also WTC 7.......

oh good, JR.



What are the best pants to wear with some Brown Viberg Service boots?


asking for a friend.

Shooting it down so it crashes into the pentagon doesn't make much sense. Americans involved doesn't make much sense either but Mossad sure does. In my opinion!



Nano Thermite was found in the dust at Ground Zero. Peer reviewed in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal. ‘Niels Harrit’, ‘Thermite Bentham’, “The great thermate debate” Jon Cole, ‘Iron rich spheres’ Steven Jones, ‘Limited Metallurgical Examination (FEMA C-13, Appendix C-6)’. ‘Nano Tubes’

Your welcome brochachi!

>>> Americans involved doesn't make much sense either but Mossad sure does. <<<



^^^^^^^THE JEWS!

Settle down Mr. Bannon.

Mr. Trump is free to see you now that Jared and Ivanka are gone for the day.

Bump for closure

LOL you’re funny, I can’t want to bump all of these threads in the future 

I heard Roger Stone probably won't go back to jail for tweeting cross hairs death threats.