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lol somebody needs a nap. 

Well darn, I was really looking forward to a hanging :(

POLITICS 12/28/2019 01:20AM EST

Trump Retweets Meme That Jesus Likes Him Better Than Obama. Critics Raise Holy Hell.

"What part of Donald Trump's past would Jesus be more proud of?" tweeted one wit. Lust, pride, greed, envy or wrath?

Twitter followers were agog after President Donald Trump retweeted a meme during another wild night of Twitter rants from Mar-a-Lago claiming Jesus Christ likes him more than Barack Obama.

The two-year-old message from a Trump fan called the president “heaven sent.” Trump responded with a retweet and a “Thank you!” The tweet included a meme of none other than “Jesus Christ” carrying luggage and apparently returning to America (did he have to cross a border to get there?). “Obama kicked me out,” says “Jesus.” “Trump invited me back.”

Trump is focused just now on boosted his bona fides with evangelicals following a scathing editorial earlier this month in Christianity Today. The publication, founded by Billy Graham, called for Trump’s removal from office for his “profoundly immoral” abuse of his office for personal and political gain. The editorial also lashed Trump’s “blackened moral record,” including “lies and slanders” and “immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud.”

You can imagine the responses on Twitter when Trump used Jesus as a character reference. (One tweet suggested Trump followers would call Jesus a “libtard” for wanting to feed the poor.)

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Holy hell Batman

I hate trump update 

this piece is pretty scary 

 Christian fascism

Thanks mark for sharing

These believers find in Donald Trump a reflection of themselves, a champion of the unfettered greed, cult of masculinity, lust for violence, white supremacy, bigotry, American chauvinism, religious intolerance, anger, racism and conspiracy theories that define the central beliefs of the Christian right.

unfetteted  greed masculinity  violence white supremacy and assholieness