Trump; I am a problem solver


You sir, are a fucking idiot.

The basic construct here is respect, civility and keeping it kind. Make it easy for new people to join us without hazing. Keep it kind. We’re looking forward to having a community that women want to be part of, without harassment, and where people can come to have fun, share music, exchange information, be first with the news, provide support, and continue the spirit of the zone community. Viva!


It bothers me that he gave a good speech.

He has the best words.

Confefe/antifa...... word!

Our new strategy in Afghanistan is to have a new strategy, and I'm having a big speech to tell you that we have a new strategy, but I'm not telling you what the new strategy is because we don't want them to know the new strategy.


Bomb the shit out of them!

Trumpsameia or what ever Negman used to say.



Trump clearly has case of Dyslexia.

Not like lightly, that would allow you to play rhythm guitar in the Grateful Dead. But a sever enough case, to evoke the 25th Amendment.

I meant to write "severe." Darn.

 ...but I'm not telling you what the new strategy is because we don't want them to know the have a new strategy.


New Strategy?

Making rich contractors who are already rich enough, even richer?

President Jr. reprise?

Meet the new Nazi, same as the old Nazi?

Wars win elections!

" I am a problem solver , Hold the Solver..!"

Would anyone be surprised to learn that "Trump"  is actually an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in disguise ??

I realize that the persona comes across like a failed TV show,  but it's now a TV show masquerading as 'politics' for our entertainment.

OK,  maybe he's not a certified Rabbi,  so no Dreads or interesting Hat.  Think of when Krusty The Klown got back to his Rabbinical roots back when on "The Simpsons".

Laugh all you want,  but I propose that it's a realistic interpretation of the current Media pResident figurine.   

And I agree that Hillary was supposed to be in there,  but could not make it,  due to technical difficulties.

poppy plants are profitable.