Trump Gains 5 Million Followers in 3 Days


Most of them bots...

What's he getting ready for?

Got a link? 


If you're paying attention. You don't need a link...

Go check out all the bots and report back what you find...


it’s all-out war, we go to the mattresses

Steve Bannon has advised Donald Trump that his only hope is to "go to the mattresses," under Bannon's direction if he wants to  save his presidency. 

Is that anything like a pillow fight?




18 months and we get a new congress 


thanks trump

No matter how much you're paying attention, so much fucking bullshit is constantly happening, there is no true "keeping up"



If you're paying attention. You don't need a link...

Go check out all the bots and report back what you find...


OK. I went and looked. I found a page that shows how many followers have joined a particular account by day. It is here:

According to that, today 44,000 have joined. Yesterday 92k. May 28th: 82k, May 27th: 52k.

That totals 270,000 over the last 4 days, which is far from 5 million.

Now what 


Ive seen claims of 3 million, but unless twittercounter is wrong, it looks like only a couple hundred thousand at most.


Edit....i see the badger already covered that.

Yeah I covered that 

We MIGHT get a new Congress in 18 months, IF enough Democrats and left-leaning Independents turn out to FUCKING VOTE, and IF those votes are not hacked or flat out suppressed. Don't be naive and don't be fooled: We got fucked last November, and there are absolutely no guarantees that we will win back even the Senate in 2018, let alone the House. 

Gotta say I'm a fan of The Badger.

Dude's Zone game is solid.


>> Now what?

Yeah I might of got those numbers wrong...

>> No matter how much you're paying attention, so much fucking bullshit is constantly happening, there is no true "keeping up

They're winning with you...

It's EXACTLY what they want you to do... Give up!


Believe it if you need it...


Twitter Bot Army amassing over 100 a minute...

Probably gonna use bots to spread Propaganda fed by Breitbart and Fox News, to spread throughout social media.

This Administration wouldn't do that right?

5 million botz!!!

He probably hired them all to go after Kathy Griffin.

I bet we get a very indignant Seadog thread regarding her soon.

>Anyone can amass an exorbitant number of Twitter followers. You don't even have to be famous. All you have to do is pay for them. The comedian Joe Mande currently has a healthy 1.01 million followers, but his bio contains a caveat: "twitter is trash, facebook's the devil, i bought a million followers for like $400 none of this shit matters antarctica is melting."

Mande even explained the stunt last November in The New Yorker. "The simplest way to tell who’s winning the Twitter game is by counting followers," he wrote. "The biggest celebrity accounts—Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga—seem to have millions of followers. But in 2012 I learned that only a portion of those are real humans; some are 'bots,' artificially created to boost an account’s popularity. Immediately, I knew that I had found my calling."

Because Donald Trump is the president of the United States and the most famous person on the planet, one wouldn't think he would need to employ a bot to boost his Twitter following. It appears, however, he might have done just that. As screenwriter John Niven pointed out Tuesday morning, Trump's Twitter account saw an unusal spike in followers over the weekend, many of which appear to have been created artificially.

Trump currently has 31 million followers and, sure enough, if you browse through them you will find an unusal number of tweet-less, picture-less accounts that joined the service in May 2017. If you're still curious,  you can enter Trump's handle, @realDonaldTrump, into Twitter Audit, a service that assesses the authenticity of one's followers, and find that only 51 percent of Trump's are real.

This isn't the first time someone has pointed out that a good portion of Trump's Twitter following is fake, but what's interesting is that its fakeness seems to be increasing. In January, journalist Yashar Ali ran an audit on Trump's Twitter account and found that 68 percent of his then-20 million followers were real. Now he's at 30 million followers, but only 51 percent are real, which means of 10 million followers Trump has gained since January, about 8.3 million are fake.

In April 2016, when Trump was beginning to gain traction as a serious candidate to at least win the Republican presidential nomination, the former reality TV star had a mere 7.58 million followers, only 8 percent of which were fake, according to FiveThirtyEight. It's not surprising that as Trump's global profile has skyrocketed in the past 13 months, so too have the number of bots attached to his Twitter account—but it's astonishing how much the percentage of his followers that are fake has risen.

So is Trump actually buying new followers? We'll probably never know, but there seems to be nothing more important to Trump than how his fame relates to that of other public figures, and it can't sit well with the president that there are currently 31 accounts with more followers than his. One of those accounts is that of Barack Obama, which boasts a whopping 89 million followers, good for third-most in the world behind Katy Perry and Justin Bieber.

In case you're wondering, 79 percent of Obama's followers are real.

So.....Obama didn't have a few hundred more bucks to throw towards the ones he was buying?



We’ve spoken with a few social media experts. They’ve concurred that while it’s not provable, there’s only one logical explanation for this kind of sudden growth from obviously fake accounts: whoever is now running Donald Trump’s Twitter account has decided to boost his follower total by purchasing fake new followers. We won’t link to them, but if you google something like “buy twitter followers” you’ll see that such services – which certainly violate Twitter’s terms of service – do exist. Moreover, the pricing scales reveal that it’s not particularly expensive, as long as you’re willing to settle for obviously fake new followers; believable looking fakes seem to cost far more.

This is another example of how fake news is hitting the left.

Have to be vigilant and question everything


It amuses me that this is even a story. There is a huge marketplace for fake twitter/instagram/facebook followers. Some of the "businesses" that sell those followers can, for a fee, allow them to be bots, legitimate looking accounts or a mix. The account owner doesn't even have to be involved. As long as my payment is good, I could add followers to any account owned by anyone. Fake followers on Trump's account could be bought by Trump or his media people. the Republican party, a group of supporters OR they could be bought by those against Trump to create a story like this. 5 million followers would only cost a few thousand dollars and seems to be causing a huge stink...well worth the investment by the opposition. I am not saying that is the case. I am saying that it could be the case.

None of us will probably ever know what this particular truth is and who did the deed(s) that caused it.

Politics these days are filthy dirty and almost all participants are wallowing in the mud.


Despite the constant negative press covfefe

According to Trump and Vince McMahon  its all about the ratings..... & no matter how you get it.....performance then means nothing. As demonstrated by him being the worst president ever.  Its true. oh its dam true. Believe me. 


>It amuses me that this is even a story. 


If Trump hadn't worked in concert with the Russians to influence public opinion  using bots on Facebook (and social media)  then maybe it wouldn't  be a story -  but since the Trump Regime (Breitbart) adopted doublethink  it's worth noting that they're upping  up their misinformation campaign using bots on twitter. This admin has taken newspeak to a whole new level. 





Already posted by Nancy...

Sorry, Long day...

Somebody should tell 45 the 31 million twitter followers he likes to brag about is fake news.....sad...

Why hasn't anyone started impeachment proceedings? You'd think the democrat representatives would be on that shit already as much as it's discussed. What are they waiting for...I thought they had all the evidence needed Are they stalling to get more donations for their party? What's the holdup?

>>>>>No matter how much you're paying attention, so much fucking bullshit is constantly happening, there is no true "keeping up"

Sounds scary. Got any details?

Impeachment can't and won't happen until the Democrats are able to flip some seats in the midterms, and yeah that does take money and also takes people to get out and vote Democratic and stop acting like spoiled brats who can't get exactly what they want.


We're all out of rocky road ice cream, the choice is chocolate or a bag of dirt.

if you're not sick of bag of dirt now running the show at all levels of government, and still are butt hurt over the way the Democratic Party knighted democratic nominee  Hillary over independent candidate Bernie, grow the fuck up.

   Berniebros and the Jill Stein crowd wanna keep on dissing the Democratic establishment  then   I suppose we will never see impeachment hearings, and might even see 8 more years of Don the Con. 




I'm glad i live in California. 

What is Trump life like for those who don't live here? 

don't be a butthead like this turd:

“I’ve never seen hatred like this, ” he responded. “To me, they’re not even people. It is so so sad.”

“Morality is just gone,” he continued. “Morals have flown out the window. We deserve so much better than this as a country. It’s so sad — you see the Democratic Party and they are imploding. They’re imploding, they have no message. You see the head of the DNC who is a total whack-job. There’s no leadership there. And so what do they do? They become obstructionists because they have no message of their own.”

Keep up the good fight Nancy. 

>>Why hasn't anyone started impeachment proceedings? 

Although he's guilty of being a total putz, he hasn't committed any provable high crimes and misdemeanors. For instance, he leaked highly classified info to the Russians regarding intel on ISIS. You and I could get thrown in jail for that. It's the president's prerogative to declassify info at any given time, so he didn't break the law.

House Dem drafting articles of impeachment for Trump

A House Democrat will soon launch an official attempt to impeach President Trump.

Rep. Al Green, a Texas Democrat and member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), is readying the articles of impeachment that mark the first official step in any congressional bid to remove a sitting president.

The articles have little chance of seeing the light of day in a House chamber controlled by Republicans, who have rallied behind Trump amid multiple investigations into ties between Russia and members of the president’s inner circle. But Green’s gambit highlights the growing apprehension many Democrats have towards the president, and it’s sure to energize a liberal base that’s sounded the impeachment alarm with increasing volume as the Russia saga has evolved.