Trump Effect?


Bacon $8.99 a package, under Obama it was under $4 @ times.


If people don't rally around this, then there is no hope.

How would one "rally" around this?

Trump doesn't set bacon prices.

I'm still waiting for the winning to begin. 

Pork belly futures.


Pork belly supplies are at a 60 year low

Trust me, surfdead, Trump is porking the pork market

I thought it was frozen concentrated OJ?

nice joke but the shit show is just getting started. 

Just bought some bacon - $3 for 12 oz., or $4 a lb. Same price as before.

A Hog farmer used to take away the spent Barley Malt from the mash-tun at the Brewery and gave me this commodity spec. tip --

"Pork Belly prices rise when local tomatoes ripen and folks make more BLT's."

Some chart-wise people, please fact-check that, and if you get rich, kindly buy me a BLT.

I prefer the BLOAT - Bacon, lettuce, onion, avocado, and tomato. Add some cheese - doesn't improve the acronym, but it sure tastes good.

This is exactly why I stick to grilled cheese and tomato. I needn't worry about such things.

Well I dunno about Bacon but I've observed that Weed prices are WAY down in these parts recently - apparently all the Gangsta types are Growing gangbusters in Maine and Mass since the Legal Rec vote approval - all that Blue Dream is Flooding the market now . . ..