Trump Doing a Great Job!


If you are a Trump supporter, you don't care about Flynn resigning. You don't care about Russia.  You care that people are being deported. Finally.  You like the travel ban and know that with a few tweaks it will ultimately be implemented. You are thrilled with Sessions and Devos and that you can't have a new regulation unless you get rid of 2. You know that jobs are on the way, and you think Stephen Miller killed it by being strong on Sunday TV. You know that whatever they do regarding health care, it will be better for you.  More drilling on public lands, more fracking, fewer regulations on pollution = jobs. he killed TPP.  You think that liberals are being silly, Trump is getting the job done.   He would be getting more done if people weren't being such bitches about losing the election.  


Everything is going according to plan.



You can run a winning campaign to tear it all down with bumper sticker policies. When you use bumper sticker policies to govern reality will eventually slap you to the ground. The Republican party is learning that hard lesson now.

He will solve all the the worlds problems through twitter. 

It's called "small government". 

yet he continues to be a bitch about winning the election

At least my Impeach The Mother Fucker Already tee is back in style.

Somebody should bitch slap Miller.

"He called Hillary Clinton a crook.
You bought it.

Then he paid $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.

He said he'd release his tax returns, eventually.
You bought it.

He hasn't, and says he never will.

He said he'd divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
You bought it.

He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the Stock Market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted.

He said Clinton was in the pockets of Goldman Sachs, and would do whatever they said.
You bought it.

He then proceeded to put half a dozen Goldman Sachs executives in positions of power in his administration.

He said he'd surround himself with all the best and smartest people.
You bought it.

He nominated End-Times theocratic loon Mike Pence for Vice President. A white supremacist named Steve Bannon is his most trusted confidant. Dr. Ben Carson, the world's greatest idiot savant brain surgeon, is in charge of HUD. Russian quisling Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State.

He said he'd be his own man, beholden to no one.
You bought it.

He then appointed Betsy DeVos -whose only "qualifications" were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign- as Secretary of Education.

He said he would "drain the swamp" of Washington insiders.
You bought it.

He then admitted that was just a corny slogan he said to fire up the rubes during the rallies, and that he didn't mean it.

He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did.
You bought it.

He promptly gave the green light to a disastrous raid in Yemen- even though all his Generals said it would be a terrible idea. This raid resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an 8-year old American girl, and numerous civilians. The actual target of the raid escaped, and no useful intel was gained.

He said Hillary Clinton couldn't be counted on in times of crisis.
You bought it.

He didn't even bother overseeing that raid in Yemen; and instead spent the time hate-tweeting the New York Times, and sleeping.

He called CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" and said they were his enemy.
You bought it.

He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars.

He called Barack Obama "the vacationer-in-Chief" and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer's dime, not when there was so much important work to be done.
You bought it.

He took his first vacation after 11 days in office.
On the taxpayer's dime.
And went golfing.

It hasn't even been a month."

Just start asking if they're mentally fit for the job if they "can't recall" anything. 

Three weeks and he's already the worst president ever.

The sad thing is that all of his BS during the campaign didn't sway his core. They were already behind him. It swayed liberals to stay home and not vote for that nasty woman, Hillary. They truly believed that Bernie was the second coming of Christ, and that Hillary was the devil incarnate. And now we have Trump.

it still befuddles me.


Okie, no one cares about that.


Deportations - Great

God is back - Great.  HALLELUJAH!

No TPP - Great

Sessions - Super Great.  All lives matter!

Tillerson - Finally, we can get business done!  Super great!

Strong leadership -- Great

Will rebuild military - Great!

Freeze federal hiring - Super great!




We may be laughing while trying not to worry, but for a lot of people, this is the shit they wanted.  You can't blame a guy for a few misteps, he's never done this before.  Soon the federal government will get used to his style.  



One of my long time progressive friends who is bitter as fuck about Bernie is convinced that rt news (aka Russia Today) is only truly accurate news source and that if Hillary had been elected we would probably already be at war. 

I don't know, BOTB, I'm not sure that most are that happy.

My retired father has some sort of "breakfast club" with 4 other guys. They were all in finance, and they sit around solving the world's problems. Three of them were ardent Trump supporters. If Trump didn't win the nomination, they actually wanted Hillary to win because they believed that it would have caused a necessary revolution of sorts. But their boy Trump won, and they were going to get their changes.

Now, all three of them are scared shitless about what he'll do next. I think that a lot are, but they won't swallow their pride and public ally admit it...yet.

^hard drugs are bad, ok?






Campaigning politicians lie?

Say it ain't so!



>> One of my long time progressive friends who is bitter as fuck about Bernie is convinced that rt news (aka Russia Today) is only truly accurate news source and that if Hillary had been elected we would probably already be at war. 

He sounds like a Zoner

The bizarre attachment of the leftists to authoritarian, hard-right Russia has to be one of the weirdest phenomena coming out of the election

He'll be impeached before the new year 

He bogeyed the last hole

>>>the bizarre attachment of the leftists to authoritarian, hard-right Russia has to be one of the weirdest phenomena coming out of the election

There you go making shit up again, Sam. 

Prove this one please, if it's true. 

Come on Floops. I'm literally quoting the guy talking about his friend exhibiting this exact behavior. But if you want some links:

Also note former left-labor guy Ed Schultz going to RT and defending Trump:

I'm not saying every Bernie fan is a nut for Putin, far from it. Just pointing out that the phenomenon exists, and it's weird.

floops, if you don't believe that there's a chunk of the left who are just as reality-challenged as seadoggie, their website is . I think the official motto there is "Hillary would have been worse".

god is back hallelujah dude's friend is probably in the extreme minority, lol. 

"Okie, no one cares about that"


Is your head stuck up your ass? You honestly believe NO ONE cares about any of the STUPID shit this dumbass has done in the past month?

Oh yeah, where's my TrumpCare?????????? Huh? Well, where is it?   

Or are your posts deviant sarcasm?


Either way, Okie nailed it.



You would think that he could find a good spray tan salon, though. This shoddy work is a disgrace!

>>>>>world's greatest idiot savant brain surgeon,


First real laugh of the day


Okie plagiarized someone else's article.  Public schools for ya,


You snowflakes need to relax! It's only Tuesday, Go watch some SNL reruns.


Meanwhile there is a dam in California that didn't listen to the reports from years ago, just like Flint, MI...... Open your eyes, Turn off your idiot boxes. You've been played for fools!

Alias was mocking the folks like Fafa with some 'deviant sarcasm' 


Sam. Are you that insane, stupid, or are just parroting the administration's bizzaro world anti facts thing?

You DO know that its the trumpies with a russian tie? Right?


Nancy your whining has been the most humorous to watch. Tick tock.......

>>Okie plagiarized someone else's article.  Public schools for ya,

No I didn't. Did you not notice the quotation marks?

i posted it because it's a damn good summary of the truth. 

When you print someone else's work you link the source. Secondly, I don't think a dating website blog is a credible source of opinion. But did you find and good pussy to grab while you were scoping the ads? I think Bill Clinton used this website a time or two.....

"GLUG GLUG. Go sleep it off, Fafa you drunk!" - Hikingman

Who's Hikingman?

>>> Sam. Are you that insane, stupid, or are just parroting the administration's bizzaro world anti facts thing? You DO know that its the trumpies with a russian tie? Right?

Come on man, did you even click the links? I wasn't saying you and your friends spend your summers in Moscow. I was saying there's a strange phenomenon of some fringe leftists who are oddly sympathetic to Russian interests. Obviously it's the Trump people who are tied up with them in ways that matter, which are still coming out as we speak. Take it down about eight notches.

Actually Fafa it was a simple copy/paste from Facebook that's all.

I am impressed that you found the original source though! 

I apologize if it didn't meet your Zone posting etiquette.

I did it from my phone which isn't as easy as doing it from my laptop. 

I deeply apologize to everyone affected by my post and I officially tender my resignation. 

Effective immediately.

...and just to be clear I've never started and ended an original thought with quotation marks.

jus sayin brah.


^Okie, the GOP Senators will remember this when you're up for a cabinet position in the future.  Believe Me.

Market's up.  

Fafa is winning!!!


"Nancy, I won the presidency, House, Senate, Supreme Court, 75% of all state governors and you whining like the bitch you are for four more years.  Must suck to be you." 

>Market's up.  


and about to take a nose dive as Trump's house of cards come tumbling down. 

Hey Salvador!  Good to see you!  And, of course, you are right about the market.

fafa is winning at being a fat, red faced, white supremacist supporting drunk piece of shit. 

he's winning. 

Any time you melt down pyramidheat is definitely winning. That's twice in a month!

President Bannon is going to make Nixon look like a saint