Trump blames SEAL death on military, or Obama, or sun in his eyes



Ryans father refused to appear with Trump and calles for investigation.

Sen. McCain calls raid a failure.

Best President.  Ever.

my dad is a vet and hates draft dodgers as do most veterans. love how war mongers rarely shed any of their own blood.


Can you imagine if Obama said this after a SEAL died:

“This was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something they wanted to do,” Trump said.

“They came to me, they explained what they wanted to do. The generals — who are very respected, my generals are the most respected that we’ve had in many decades, I believe. And they lost Ryan,” he added.

“This was something that they were looking at for a long time doing, and according to [Defense Secretary Jim] Mattis, it was a very successful mission. They got tremendous amounts of information.”


So if he said, "it's all my fault" would that make it ok?

And fuck McCain, that dude has spent a career trying to feed american kids to the war machine


He is the Commander In Chief. When things go wrong it is his fault. He certainly has no problem at all taking credit for things that go well.

haha WHAT has gone well since manbaby tiny hands took office?


Can you imagine what Trump would have called Ryan had he been captured?


Oh wait, we already know: not a hero,

"And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead.:.

>>>my dad is a vet and hates draft dodgers as do most veterans.






Sorry Turtle, I couldn't help myself.

no, he loves the dodgers. from brooklyn to la.

it was nice taking him for a bday game for vin scully appreciation day.

it was nice taking him for a bday game for vin scully appreciation day.  <<<


Thats COOL T !

my dad is a vet and hates draft dodgers as do most veterans. love how war mongers rarely shed any of their own blood"


William Jefferson Clinton:

• Draft Dodger

• Serial Womanizer/abuser/cheater/rapist

• Guy who visited the private "Lolita Island" owned by a KNOWN PEDOPHILE\.


Funny there were no "protests"  no "Woman's Marches" no "outrage."

at all.

Funny that.

Trump SAYS some stupid, gross things (Mind you he did NOT DO Them, he just said that Celebrities, like the kind on display Sunday night, COULD do that to women.



Twisted Pretzel Liberal "Logic" at its finest.

And BTW how about blaming the guy who ACTUALLY KILLED THE SOLDIER?!?!

I'm POSITIVE lots of soldiers died  needlessly under Fauxbama, um, can you say BENGHAZI?!?!





what a joke the Left is.

Regional/ Party / Marginalized / Bitter

The Demoncrats are out for blood.

And will embarrass themselves tonight.


^^ lsd



Yeah, you and Thom are pretty funny.


'm POSITIVE lots of soldiers died  needlessly under Fauxbama, um, can you say BENGHAZI?!?<


can you say IRAQ?




YOU KNOW, the LIES THAT WERE PERPETRATED that led to THOUSANDS of young men and women coming home in body bags and psch wards.

the war that was started BY REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATIONS....


fuck are you this stupid???



Clinton avoided the draft like millions of others.  His however was legal school deferments.

What was Trump's?  A sissy private military academy?

But Clinton, unlike Trumo, did not grow up the be a warmonger.