Trump about to have another bad week.



Donnie and Vanka are In deep doo doo. 

The original story is in the New Yorker but this sums it up nicely.

Paperwork will fix this. 

He could shoot a reporter in the street. 

Easily the shadiest dude we've had in power in mode n times.

I would love nothing more than to see "Treason" carved into his forehead, and have him hung at high noon on the lawn of the whitehouse.

^Good luck with that. The Repubs will give him a medal before they

let that happen.

They will see to it that none of them are charged with anything, ever.

I like to think that the Republicans will throw him under the bus before midterms. 

That article came out last Monday. 

"Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which was passed in 1977 to forbid American companies from rewarding corrupt foreign officials — even if they did so unwittingly."

So we're going to arrest every CEO that has a company operating in China?

^ Fine with me.

Agreed, cb . Off with their heads.

> So we're going to arrest every CEO that has a company operating in China?

Probably not, but it would send a helluva message to others if the CEO of the USA got popped.

>>>So we're going to arrest every CEO that has a company operating in China???

Only the ones who are also president of the United States.

Closer to home, but similar to the Azerbaijan affair, Trump has a Panama problem.

Thom, tell me how you're okay with this. 

By Thom's way of reckoning, we shouldn't arrest murderers and rapists because there are too many of them.

Today was a pretty bad day for Orange Julius Caesar.

Republicans are threatening to expose Trump as the emperor with no clothes

Federal judge in Hawaii freezes President Trump’s new executive order

We can't afford meals on wheels but we can afford a fuckin wall.


Supreme leader needs to end  entitlement programs so he can balance the budget, and continue tax breaks for the rich and offer sweetheart deals for the military industrial complex. 

Merkel's probably grateful she didn't have to endure one of Trump's creepy, overly long handshakes.

This thread might run for 4 years

About high fucking time we jailed ceos....bring back the stockade.

Socialism for the rich and tough love for everyone else. 



Ownership society bitches!

Those who own the country ought to govern it.


John Jay


right there from the beginning 

plain as black and white 


Load up on debt while it's still cheap.

White House mistakes satirical article for one in support of Trump's budget plan

By Alyssa Pereira  Updated 1:58 pm, Friday, March 17, 2017


That's great, fuckin amatuers didn't even read the article, only the headline.

Trump Delay of the 'Fiduciary Rule' Will Cost Retirement Savers $3.7 Billion

WASHINGTON - Today, Economic Policy Institute Senior Economist and Director of Policy Heidi Shierholz submitted a comment opposing the proposed delay of the Department of Labor’s “fiduciary rule,” which requires financial professionals to act in their clients’ best interests when recommending investment products or strategies to people saving for retirement. Perhaps surprisingly, it is currently legal in many cases for financial professionals to recommend higher-cost investment products that provide them with a higher commission but provide lower returns to their clients. The fiduciary rule would eliminate this conflict of interest.

Following a directive from President Trump, DOL proposed a two-month delay in implementing the rule. This delay will be enormously expensive to retirement savers—and not just during the period of the delay. As DOL itself notes, the losses that retirement savers experience from being steered towards higher-cost investment products during the delay “would not be recovered, and would continue to compound, as the accumulated losses would have reduced the asset based that is available later for reinvestment or spending.”

Every seven days that the rule’s implementation is delayed will cost retirement savers $431 million over the next 30 years. All told, the proposed 60-day delay will cost workers saving for retirement $3.7 billion.

“People who have worked hard to save for retirement need and deserve this common sense protection, which most people are shocked to discover isn’t already the case,” said Shierholz. “The only beneficiary of President Trump’s move to delay this rule is the financial industry, which wants to continue fleecing retirement savers for as long as possible.”

The Trump administration claims that delaying the rule will give it time to determine whether the rule would adversely affect the ability of Americans to gain access to retirement advice. This is a thinly-veiled tactic to kill the rule and allow the financial industry to continue taking advantage of retirement savers.

As part of the initial rulemaking process, DOL prepared a 382 page cost-benefit analysis examining in detail the expected economic impact of the rule. This was the culmination of a roughly six-year process that incorporated the feedback from four days of hearings, more than 100 stakeholder meetings, and thousands of public comments. Delaying the rule to revisit questions that have already been so thoroughly investigated is irresponsible and unjustifiable.

Conflicts of interest in retirement advice cost American families $17 billion a year. Delaying the fiduciary rule will simply mean business as usual as Wall Street firms continue to take advantage of working people.

Heady libertarian thread....