Tribute to Gloria Jones at the Warfield May 4


Melvin & JGB with guests & David Nelson's Almost Acoustic opening.

This should be a real good show. Whatever one may thing of Melvin's JGB band, these type of events are almost always better than the sum of their parts, and Jones definitely made her mark in that room, even if we were all there for Jerry.

I'm fairly certain the energy will be really good that night, in that room, which always makes the music better.



Will they sing “Tainted Love” in her honor? 

Sounds like a good time.

Thanks, on radar

Will John Kadlicek risk life and limb to be there?

Dave will they talk about Marc Bolan at all? 

Soon Come !!  heart

No, Bucky, they will not.  But you knew that.  You're just being a dick.  

"Will John Kadlicek risk life and limb to be there?"

That one is never going to get old.

Common' Dave, lighten up. It's just a little poke.

You earned a big of good-natured grief on that one, just let it go.


Anyone know the presale code?


Thanks Zooey. Do you need an app to use the digital tix?

You only need the AXS app for these mobile tickets.

Thanks Zooey.  But that ain't gonna happen. And I ain't paying 6 bucks for willcall. After a 12 dollar service charge?