Things to be Proud of


I'm really amazed at some of the things that our conservatives are proud of:

-  no universal healthcare

- death penalty

- poor LGBQT+ rights

- no trannies in military

- awesome prison industrial complex

My God, why the hell would anyone be proud of these things? It puts us on par with third-world countries.

In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners

But if we let out those who shouldn't be incarcerated and replaced them with those who should be, what would change? The rate or demographic? 

We redefine who should be incarcerated, right? It sure as hell is nothing to be proud of that our prison system is also the largest mental health system.

put politicians and ceos in instead of druggies


Thank you for displaying your complete and total ignorance about Conservatism.

Very helpful.

I could just as easily write about what the left is proud of....


Destroying the black family via welfare

Causing a rise in crime through their social policies

Dismantling the greatest education system ever created

Weakening the U.S. national security with it's trans nationalism

Burdening the country with trillions in national debt


and it would be as asinine as what you wrote.


>Thank you for displaying your complete and total ignorance about Conservatism.

Was that post meant for another thread?  If not, that's quite a leap you took Thom.


^Thom, you constantly post ignorant, asinine nonsense concerning "the left"


It's kinda your thing.

thom's the kind of guy who fucks his wife in the ass while she's sleeping b/c he can't find her vagina, all while holding a pillow over her head. 

>> Was that post meant for another thread?  If not, that's quite a leap you took Thom.

Thom, just like "The Fonz" made that jump a long time ago...


Heat is acting like he needs a little heat under the sheets. 

no, im good, son.

>Thom, just like "The Fonz" made that jump a long time ago...

I used the jump the shark reference in the other thread without seeing this post first.  But yeah,,, it's pretty ridiculous.




Thom, the things I listed are clearly Republican policies, and ones that many conservatives own and are proud of. The things you listed are just generalizations.

Let's break this down:

>>>Destroying the black family via welfare

The black family was destroyed by slavery. It has remained destroyed due to mass incarceration, historically shitty education, and overall lack of hope.

>>>Causing a rise in crime through their social policies

Although there has been a slight increase in violent crimes recently, the overall trend has been a decline.

>>>Dismantling the greatest education system ever created

What the fuck are you talking about? Common Core? That was a Bush program. For what it's worth, it is actually pretty good. And let's be real - the quality of public education remains dependent on the socio-economic status of the school district.

>>>Weakening the U.S. national security with it's trans nationalism

You're trying to blame an ever-changing growth curve of globalism on liberals?

>>>Burdening the country with trillions in national debt

You don't understand economics, do you?

Can you stop using tranny? It's offensive. 

BK and Thom

two of viva's finest

Chach: "I have nothing to say, so I'll just talk about others."

Why would your opinion matter?

keep fighting the good fight son


A tranny is the thing that is in your vehicle

Right on, Wang 

Missed your post before i spoke mine 

unless thats sarcasm

In which case; the words are still accurate that you typed

Keep fighting the bad fight. The Innerwebz needs more people like you.

go talk about me with your other friends



The land of Bro Country