Thanks, Tod.


Now I'm a sea lion to all the true deadheads who don't want to answer questions about music or politics. 

maybe it’s a good thing that sea lion is pretty 

TOD needed a little break, guys.

His TDS was causing problems in his personal and professional life, and the Zone wasn't helping.

It’s okay, Slack. In my eyes you are a true Deadhead. You’re a twerp, but a Deadhead nonetheless.

I always appreciated that Slacker started trolling the big dogs from day 1.

That's how I came up.

You rode Slack’s veggie-porn coat-tails to success?

Yes. That's exactly how it went down.

You owe the guy. Think of all the TOs he took for you. You should buy him a pad in the Bay Area.

Or a pond....ya know, now that he s an otter and shit

That's an excellent idea, BK.

Off topic, but how would you feel about doing a little proxy trolling for me over on the garbage zone?

OH God IT'S SLACKER AGAIN ___ Ha Ha nonononono


Sorry, man, you’ll have to find someone else to do it. I jumped out and took my beat down like a man. I’m now on the straight and narrow.

ha turtle it took me a second I thought it was crying Michael Jordan at first

that otter is cute too