Tax March this Saturday, 04/15/16


If you want to show 45 that you really DO want him to release his tax returns (I do), please consider joining your local march.



On a related note, invading Trump's "Patriots" have successfully shut down this Saturday's Farmer's Market (great for local small businesses):


People are already looking forward to fights in my town (should make for entertaining news this Saturday evening):


Seventy-one percent of Democrats say they care Trump hasn't released his tax returns.

But only 20 percent of Republicans and 41 percent of independents say the same.

Given that, why the fuck would he release his taxes? They only serve to potentially give his opponents ammunition. His supporters and people he could potentially win over, don't care so much. 

Trump is politically incompetent, but he's not that dumb.

Feel free to sign this petition, if you care:


Per above link (biased, of course): 

In a press conference, Trump told the assembled reporters, “The only people who seem to care about my tax returns are you people here.”

Our country does care. In fact, according to an ABC/Washington Post poll, 74% of Americans (including 53% of Republicans) want him to RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS.

Wake me up in 2020.  I'm over it.