Sunday Breakfast


I am not the best looking, smartest, richest, religious, or philosophic man but I may be the luckiest.

The Lady made a fabulous breakfast this morning.

Prime boneless N.Y. Strip (2 1/2" thick) seared in a skillet for 2-3 minutes on each side & then in the oven (425 degrees) for 15 minutes until a perfect medium-rare, seasoned with salt & sliced thin after resting for 10 minutes.

Double yolked eggs over easy.

Homemade chimichurri.

Fresh sliced avocado.

Fresh, ripe, sliced, red tomatoes.

Fresh toasted Sourdough Rye (Boudin's Bakery).

Freshly home ground & brewed Kenyan coffee with whole cream.

& lots of sweet sugar kisses.




4 Fried Eggs


7 Pieces Of Bacon



I Love Tasty Grinds

Oh, Crabneesh, thanks for the sweetness. And the double-yolked eggs.

It sounds just exactly perfect.

Yolks Have To Fully Cooked For Me.