St. Patrick's Day story from back in the day


This is a true story.


It’s St. Patrick’s Day 1981, before I got married, and Yvonne and I and my friend Kenny and his girlfriend Barbara are hanging out after work at my friend Ralph’s apartment in Manhattan with Ralph’s girlfriend Maureen.  For some reason, every March this brown powdered mescaline would come around.   So we’re hanging in Ralph’s bedroom, after eating some of the mesc, drinking, smoking week and doing some blow.  We were drinking bottles of Guinness and Kenny had brought a bag of green bagels.   There was an empty Guinness bottle on Ralph’s dresser and Kenny put a bagel over the neck of the bottle and we all laughed about it.


Fast forward a year to St. Patrick’s Day 1982 and the same people are in Ralph’s bedroom, having eaten some of the brown mesc (I told you it came around every March) and drinking, smoking, snorting.  Kenny says, “Remember last year when I put the green bagel over the Guinness bottle?” and Ralph says, “It’s still there.”   We all turn to look at it and as our eyes focused on it the bagel shattered into green dust.


One of the magical moments of my life.  I think about it every year at this time.


Are you the dude that jerked a dog off?