Spring Fever


I'm itching for a case.


We're just about ten days away here.  We've had an especially wet (even for Seattle, we set a precipitation record for February) and cool Winter.  With Daylight Savings kicking in next Sunday, and upper 60s-low 70s temps and sunny skies forecast for the back half of the month, the buds should be popping on the trees pretty soon, and all the pretty birds going tweet, tweet, tweet.

52 Fahrenheit here in Jerseyland right now.

We had Arctic Blast-style temps last couple days, lows at 12 or 15 last night and night before.  Now we're in the clear for a while, with basically normal March temps for the next 10 days. I can shut off the electric heaters on the wells & pipes, Yay !!

Last week there were a few super-warm days reaching into the 70's, so daffodils sprouted, crocuses popped up, Lilacs budded. Then the Deep Freeze.

Hopefully that killed off some of those eager Mosquitoes laugh