South Padre Island


I grew up 45 miles north of Daytona Beach, so I have a good understanding of college spring break towns.  But its different when your own kids are involved.

My son is in South Padre for spring break from New Mexico State.   I went to #southpadre2017 on twitter and was shocked by all the drunken idiots and general bad behavior.  I texted my son telling him to be careful and he texts back a photo of himself bloody from a sucker punch from stupid drunk guy.  Apparently, a fellow NMSU student was about to be arrested for being passed out on the beach and my son, who doesn't drink, stepped up to help passed out dude's drunk friend carry passed out dude away before he was arrested,  Passed out dude's drunk friend apparently was having a hard time hauling his buddy and my son started giving him advice he learned last summer at Fort Knox on how to carry unconscious people.  I guess the guy didn't appreciate the lecture and sucker punched my son, leaving him with a bloody nose.

Jesus.   This is only day one.   

Did he hit him back or get knocked out? Hopefully he hit back if not knocked out.

Alcohol teaches lessons to us all...unfortunately 

>>>Did he hit him back . . .

I asked him that and he said they were cops all around and didn't want to get busted for fighting.  Glad he didn't and the whole thing sounds like such a stupid affair,    I never understood why some people actively look for fights when they get drunk.

If I didn't drink that would be the last place I'd go for break.

Texas is generally crazy, from my experience. 

SPI was no exception. And that was in the 80's

You should have seen Ft ( Liquordale ) Lauderdale beach in the 80's...that was some shit show...i worked for bands playing the strip '84 - '86 and it was just 8 - 10 weeks of drunken mayhem....ahh, The Candy Store....

No good deed goes unpunished.  At least he has a good story to tell about spring break 2017. 

((((( The Candy Store )))))

I will vouch for the debacle

Spring break = drunken moron central