So much for College Campi being...


...places of Free thought, exchange of IDEAS that might be challenging, or any kind of REAL education anymore.

SO much for Free Speech... these Friggin Snowflakes are RIPE to be brainwashed and will gladly WELCOME their REAL Fascists, (and not even realize it)  no not Trump, actually Obama had many more fascist tendencies than Trump, but he hid it well.

And no one was ALLOWED to criticize the guy.  I covered that already though.

Why oh why would ANY parent give ridiculous amounts of $$$ to these "Institutions of 'higher' learning"

They are simply making the kids into Liberal DRONES with NO ABILITY TO THINK CRITICALLY.

sad.  I used to like snowflakes, in WINTER!! Good thing, Snowflakes ALWAYS melt. always.  It's called GROWING UP!!!!!


Actually some snowflakes don't grow up.  They are what we call "PROFESSORS" at Berzerkley