Snowflake Manchild



The idiot was trying hard to NOT "give the satisfaction to the press" by getting him photographed in a mask. Fail.

streisand effect

I thought this was a Latex call out


Oh well.

Everyone is so well-coiffed... Trump in his cloth mask, Hannibal in his plastic mask, RRG in their vomit vest...


There's the little snowflake now...



have you two met in person?

It has been said that someone matching RRG's description attempting to take a very inebriated Ateix home after a PLF show at the Cap, circa 2014.

That was Your Mom picking You up after the show


Damn kid, You are a mess


>> #mommyissues

Admitting Your problem IS the 1st step

Good Work Kid.


I got a taxi to the hotel that nite...

Their advance was denied.

That was Your Mom picking You up after the show<<<

ha ha, ok that was kinda funny 

I see you Turtle...

and hope you are well. I admit the three-legged one got me to giggle on that one.

likewise. be well 

Livin' rent free in every pore of your body.

Puss n boots, - snicker-.

The Shroud of Turdin

lol three legged. 

rrg is a good troll. always right there. lots of lurking. sweating. cheetos. vomit. 

I enjoy the irony of Pheater and Ateix calling others "trolls."

In every poor of you mind boy

 Notice the "boy", son

The irony is pretty fucking strong...



Ok, guilty, I can't help it (or choose not to stop)

I don’t like my critics
Or oversight

I love blind loyalty/ who am I?

I love to exercise ( look at my swing) 

I love pinning false medals on my self

I love false idolatry 

I love idiots

Who am I?
(What am I)

They Lone Ranger wire a mask
The lone ranger was a hero 

President a big fat zero 
We all have to die ( a man can hope.... )

Kimmel (and idiot) content