Slightly Stoopid


How are they live?

TTB/Hot Tuna is playing Sunday, Slightly Stoopid on Saturday. I can only afford one. 

As I don't love TTB, and have seen Tuna a bunch, is Slightly Stoopid a good show?

you and 6er hittin' it?

I will give the a 6 out of 10

Couple of my employees love em, so I heard them many times and went to my local place for $12.......wouldn't spend much more than that.

I mean if you like bad white guy reggae they're good I guess.

is ttb and hot tuna playing a full show? or one set each? 

Bad white guy reggae,  bad So Cal punk rock, poseur  mosh pits, it's a real shit show. 

A poor man's Sublime.....One can deduct from the band name that they're awful. 


TTB kick's ass btw. 

TTB, HOT TUNA, and Wood Brothers, July 9, outdoors in Simsbury, Ct...Gorgeous setting...cant wait to see Tuna

I have seen them 3 or 4 times. Last time with Karl Denison and it was pretty good. It depends on the age and the mindset of the viewer I suppose. The younger crowd is definitely into them, the average ABB fan is going to be, well, not so much. I would lump them in with 311 as well as sublime, but they have a lot of heart and talent. Flat brims, wallet chains, tattoos, skate boards all must haves for this event.

I don't know, part of me just wants something "different," if you know what I mean.

SS are Alright I've Seen Them in Huntington Beach a Few Times For FREE...

Thanks, PLF. They have a nice groove, but tix are $43.

Is that a game-changer?

That is pretty steep, but it will be definitely "different" and very high energy. Game-changer depends on whether you would have to give up other stuff to swing it, at least for me.

i thought they were playing free by me, but see its a similar faux-bro-rasta band...."common sense"....

Funny thread.

To answer your question, Turts, no.

I'd be giving up TTB/Tuna/Woods Bros

Long Beach-y

Here is an interview with Ry Mo from SS:



RF: As a lifelong Deadhead, I couldn’t believe it when you guys jammed with Bob Weir at his TRI Studios. Were you a big fan of The Dead already, or more just casually familiar with their music? Or not at all? 

Ry Mo: Yes. I grew up in San Rafael, CA, where T.R.I. is located. I am a huge fan, have been since late 80s when my sister was listening to bootlegs constantly. Mickey’s stuff with Planet Drum has been a really big influence on me also. Being a drummer and percussionist, it was an early exposure to the fusion of musical styles from cultures around the world.



RF: Who would you consider to be your biggest musical influences when you started? Have your influences changed? Who are some of your favorite artists to listen to these days?

Ry Mo: Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith and MTV’s Headbangers Ball got me super inspired at a young age. I used to blast Zep and try to play along with Bonham. My influences have changed considerably as I’ve gotten older and wiser but I still love some good old classic rock. Some of my faves: too long to list, but The Police, DMB, The Dead, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, FISHBONE, Operation Ivy, Rancid, Pennywise, Don Carlos, The Marleys, Steel Pulse, Dead Kennedys, Descendents…more…



>>Long Beach-y

What does that even mean?

<<<Long Beach-y




It's a vibe. Like soul. 

white or black long beach-y?

Soul, or lack thereof?


Fuck, everyone used to love Donna the Buffalo. I saw them as soul-less white-boy zydeco from upstate NY.

Seen them a few times... Always a blast!

If you like a fun, energetic crowd enjoying the fuck out of a band with good vibes... Check it out.

TTB and Hot Tuna. You know EXACTLY how it looks, feels, smells and grooves...

If you're into changing your strain... Give Slightly Stoopid a pull.



I've heard TTB has soul but to me they sound like The Michael Bolton Allman Bros.

ive never heard SS. 

>>>white or black long beach-y?


the black-ish part. They all listen to a lot of hip hop.


“40 oz. to Freedom is the Premier Sublime Tribute Band!”

10 Year Anniversary in 2017

If you like a fun, energetic crowd enjoying the fuck out of a band with good vibes... Check it out.



I'm a huge TTB fan, haven't seen them in years and would go to that, but these guys really do bring it.

It appears the drugband message board has spoken and says go to the slightly stupid show. I'm going to agree that you should go to change up whatever it is you usually see live.

No turning back now. Just buy that $40+ ticket before you get cold feet.

Ewwwww, awful, terrible, vapid, substance-less DRECK, at the level of Disco Biscuits or SCI.  Never even heard of them until this year's 420 fest, tried as I might to make it more than a few songs in, even FF-warded to near the end in the hopes they warm up/get better - nawwww, even 311 is downright EPIC compared to this Crap.  Sorry, but songs about smoking dope are SOOOOOO 1987 . . . especially a whole set of such songs . . . 

Are they psychedelic?

Not to me, but I have an Autistic brain & simply DO NOT appreciate "party music" so YMMV . . . .

Here is Franklins Tower with Bob and Karl Denson


^ I almost made it to the first verse (I think).  1:27

simply DO NOT appreciate "party music" <<<



Wow Plf has a bone to pick with me - I sense Stalky Anger in the Schwartz - bad day @ work?

plf vs. ssbob could be pretty epic if we can cajole it to happen. 

maybe both of you could have a few drinks and then reconvene in an hour or so for a little light dbmb banter?

OK, well, I'm vapey mc vaped & drinky mc drink-ed pretty much any night after dinner.  I do enjoy The Clash's Sandinista album very much, so there is SOME party music I like, it just has to have some "edge".



I saw them once years ago when I worked at the Fillmore. This poster was the best part of the show that I can remember.

Fast forward 12 years, they're coming in July to play another venue I work at.

So after doing a little research, this is what I found:

Franklin's Tower - Slightly Stoopid (ft. Bob Weir & Karl Denson)

Purple Rain - Slightly Stoopid (ft. Bob Weir, Angelo Moore (Fishbone) & Karl Denson).


Fishbone opening for Slightly Stoopid?  Wow that should WAYYYYY be the other way around.  How life ain't fair . . .

Not that I'm that huge of a Fishbone fan, but still . . .

Might be the worst version of Purple Rain ever.  

Be glad you weren't @ this past Mule NYE for the Purple Rain/All the Young Dudes medley/mashup

>>>>>>> ^ I almost made it to the first verse (I think).  1:27

& to think I made it all the way to 4:20 on Hoover's version of Just A Little Light

I've never played Just A Little Light, you're probably thinking of Blow Away.  Thanks for listening.

Oh yeah, sorry, wrong Australian Yacht Rock song . . . 

Damn. Wannabe-edgy sober Sideshow is just as unfunny as fucked up house-stuck weekend Sideshow. Today I learned.

“40 oz. to Freedom is the Premier Sublime Tribute Band!”<<

Bigger than Badfish?


They seem tp play a shit-ton of gigs.  More than I'd have thought Sublime could book.

That band is completely and utterly terrible so go for it

Saw them a couple years ago with Karl D. They did a whole show of Beastie Boys music. It was great. The sounds from their horns could mimic anything. I was impressed.

BWAAAA HAAAAAA - Here's one for Mr Ateix:


NLQP is hoping for a big turnout for this weekends Slightly Stoopid Fest. The weather is supposed to beautiful all weekend so that helps!  Here is the lineup & weekend fest info.

I'm with Timmy, those guys do some seriously bad white boy reggae. Never saw TTB or hot tuna but I just hate driving to and from Connecticut.


The Micheal Bolton Allman Bros>>>



The thing I'm not crazy about with what I've heard from TTB is when they let that sax player solo for like ten mins at a time. He's really not that good and it goes nowhere. They try to hard to incorporate horns.