Scratching my head in the bakery


I went to my local Publix grocery store and had to pick up a few things for myself and the weekly groceries for my Mother in law.

Everything was cool, I had my mask on and was enjoying myself (I love grocery shopping) and I went over to the bakery and asked the 45-50 year old white baker lady if they had any more onion rolls.

She looks at me and said STOP BEING RACIST and stomped off.

I was stunned, dude man next to me looked at me and we shrugged our shoulders. I asked him if he heard me thinking I mumbled. he said iI was plain as day.


Is Onion Rolls a derogatory term to anyone??

According to urban dictionary:

"The most beautiful ass known to mankind. So nice that it will in fact make a grown man cry."


Seriously, though, very strange.  Publix bakery and deli are two of the best things they have going.



Seeing as how you were asking for an onion roll at a bakery, you were well within context. What other words could you use?

Oh, that was the urban dictionary definition for onion roll in case it wasn't obvious!

was she wearing a mask?


No mask on her, she was way behind the counter.


The neighborhood will turn to shit when the onion rolls start moving in??



but mom, all I wanted was an onion roll



Onion roooll? Oh I thought you said, "Can I have an onion, hole"


Should have went for the everything bagel

"This reminds me, tonight I'm going to strut around in my tightest yoga pants, and make my husband beg and cry for my ass...until I find a shiny black new BMW in the driveway."


I love a good onion roll....especially for a burger.

You should have told her slow your roll!

It's a good thing you weren't in a sushi place and tried to order a hand roll. You might have gotten picked up for solicitation of prostitution.

Good thing you didn't ask for hot cross buns.

Warning: Do not ask for Jelly Roll...

“This bakery doesn’t serve onion rolls or crackers”!

Sir Mix-A-Lot. "Buttermilk Biscuits"


Next time you see her, ask for the Pumpernickel and raise your eyebrows suggestively.

Whatever you do, don't holla for some challah.


ive got a pumpernickel just for you!

>>>> “This bakery doesn’t serve onion rolls to crackers”!




not punny enough

That IS a head-scratcher.

I've never heard that referring to a woman's ass, and I went 20 pages deep into Google search of  "onion rolls" without finding it.


That woman was beyond hyper-sensitive, or just kooky. (I'm a junkie for Publix bread).

When I was a kid, my mom let me help her make Paella. She had me call the Albertson's meat counter to see if they had Mussels in stock. I very politely asked the man who answered the meat department line if he had mussels. He swore and hung up on me!

There's always a Seinfeld episode to help us explain...

Look To the Cookie

With your mask on perhaps she confused you with someone else,T.

I'm kinda unique

Don't get too worried over it Flash;  expect more and more people to be insane for no real reason.

It's been a few months of constant media brainwashing.  Even regular, normal folks break into paranoid schizophrenia after a few weeks of psych torture.  Imagine if you worked in the Publix for a couple months,  with all the refugees grabbing stuff to hoard...

And then the TV tells everyone to have race riots,  and it's not even July.  The bakery lady is just exhibiting symptoms of mental illness from the ongoing psychological warfare test.

Personally I've been avoiding crowds,  and taking Hüsky swimming at the Lake.  Most of the people there seem sane and grounded in reality.
They are out fishing instead of watching TV.


I suppose if you can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, you could take one at an onion roll too.