

I am enjoying a carafe (sp,correct word) while getting to go. I think I will read up an get a good bottle.  I have enjoyed Sake many times and realized it's so f$#@ing good .

I would not mind spending  * just a couple extra yens.


momokawa ruby, paired with either sapporo or Tsingtao (sapporo is only japanese beer that is from japan, so if you don’t like sapporo go chinese?)


but it is not high end....high end would be wasted on me, im from utah.

Confucius Say --

You don't always need someone holding your hand

Make a fucking decision on your own

Hakatsuru Junmai is only $9 a bottle on sale at safeway. It's a common decent sake served in restaurants and WAY better than Ozeki or Gekkeikan sakes

There are many many sakes out there esp if you want to pay $15+ and live near a city on the west coast. Not sure about back east how easy it is to find beyond the usual cheap stuff

My wife has been into the reusable glasses more than the sake.  

These are Akishika brand.  I haven't tried the content, but the glasses are damn cute.  
