Ryan's beautiful jam for Jerry

That was sweet, heartfelt and loooong...

Really glad this band can play a little.
I felt like his band "The Shining" was kind of a waste of good songs.

Nice sentiment without getting cheesy.
Was he acknowledging getting his ass kicked on his sit-ins with Phil & Friends during that introduction?
Anyway, glad the boy is back. Hope he plays up near us again soon.

Wow.  That really did nothing for me.  Thanks for sharing though.  Good audio for being crowdshot.

>>>>   Was he acknowledging getting his ass kicked on his sit-ins with Phil & Friends during that introduction?

sure sounded like it....my attempt at a rough transcript:

"...I tried to play with some people from that band....and got my ass kicked....went to Dave's house and asked for some guitar lessons"


If I recall, in CO he was on stage between Phil and Jimmy. 

>>>Wow.  That really did nothing for me.  Thanks for sharing though.


I tried watching it a few days ago and didn't get very far, pretty damn boring and weak imo.

don't get me wrong; it was a beautiful gesture and I think it's awesome he verbally acknowledges how difficult extensive dead style jamming is to do well, but dang, the cardinals this band ain't!

Great song.   Not sure what you 2 were looking for in a Ryan Adams performance?


to my ears:  magnolia mtn > cold roses > jam > shakedown tease? > magnolia mtn

I'm just saying if u don't think the family band is up to snuff, I wouldn't waste your time with this.