Russian Election Interference 2020


Chronic Russian interference in foreign elections is a fact and surely they are active in the current US 2020 elections.   At the very least, they are stirring up shit on Twitter and other social media.  What else could Putin be doing to exploit the current state of affairs in America?

Bet all those GOPers who spent Independence Day in Moscow have a pretty good idea.

So they are going to post crazy things on the internet and people will believe them, not really interference so much as it is stupidity,.


number one reason to defund the police and put the money is education 

You can clearly see the Trump is right, they have already started attacking his polling numbers








Don't forget about, uhhhhhhhhhhh gyyyyyyyyyyyyynaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -

it takes dotard a bit to remember the name, but when he does its elongated for tard emphasis 
