Roger Waters 6/24/17 Tacoma Dome


Looking forward to tonight's show here in the PNW.  Roger's Dark Side and The Wall shows at The Key Arena were both outstanding, and this Us And Them Tour is looking equally promising, perhaps more so with new material on the menu.   Not knowing if this is my last chance to see Waters perform, I splurged on floor seats and will be midway back slightly to the right.  


Pigs will fly tonight in Tacoma!

Have fun at this show in particular, Dave!

I attended the Denver show with a large group of friends.

Naturally, my ticket was comped. 

I was just offered a free pair of tickets for the show in Portland tomorrow. Should be fun!

It's a visually inspiring show, for sure. Definitely recommended.


I'm too tight with my money to pay for "fake" performances. 

But I do like Roger quite a bit.

I have 10th row on the floor for Tampa, hope I am not too close to miss some of the effects


I saw the show in LA. The effects are pretty spectacular!

The effects are excellent, as is the show.

It's just disappointing paying so much for someone who lip syncs sometimes and doesn't even play his bass on some of the songs.....kind of shifty actually. But it is visually enjoyable!

No shit hooper I spent $200 a ticket and that was the price anywhere in the lower bowl or floor, and to see the Britney Spears shit Slacker just posted? Still I can say I seen them in 75 and some great shows without Roger in the band.  Actually going to the show with the same friend I went to the show in 75 with when we were 15 and hitch hiking to and from Cleveland Municipal Stadium


go gators!

<chomp <chomp

he lip synchs and doesnt play?

ps. tool light show and backdrops maybe the best ive seen

Last night's show was another outstanding night of music, visual and performance art from Roger & Company.  


There was a second bassist on stage, but to say that Roger doesn't play and lip-syncs is off the mark.  He played bass on some songs, acoustic guitar on others, and on some songs let his band play the music while he sang.


At age 73, he still looks and sounds fit, and is clearly still engaged with his artistic vision.  The performance, set designs, lighting, sound and props were all phenomenal and state-of-the-art.  Dave Kilmeister and Jonathan Wilson both had many stand-out moments on guitar, Joey Waronker was very solid on drums, and the two women vocalists and Wilson joined Roger to create a robust and fluid chorus to accompany the music.


The ascendancy of Donald Trump to the presidency has inspired Roger, both in his new material, and in his presentation of some of his past works, particularly Animals and The Wall, both of which have themes that dovetail with the dialogue Roger is instigating about greed, corruption, the politics of fear and oppression.  After seeing this show it will be hard to ever see an image of Trump and not think of him as a pig.  The overall theme of the show was a call to resist divisiveness and to re-embrace our common humanity with our fellow  humans and create a better world for all of us.


All that said, there was one very disturbing and out of place moment that occurred at the beginning of the second set, during "Pigs (Part I).  The set had started with the beautiful and stunning technical wizardry of the dropping of the projection curtains in the middle of the floor, perpendicular to the stage.  The artwork of the buildings seen on the cover of Animals was being displayed, and many people were taking video captures with their cell phones.  


I had just turned to watch the musicians on stage, when I heard a noise and could sense a disturbance behind me.  I turned around and saw two guys facing off and the four rows of chairs behind me with about five chairs in each row knocked down.  One of the dudes was backed up about a foot away from me, and I was looking over his shoulder at the guy challenging him. He looked the guy with his back to me in the eyes and, with his fist cocked and in a crouch, said "you want some of this", then hauled off and nailed the guy in the face with a hard right.  



At this point I notice that there were two security guys standing there, but they are frozen up, neither intervening or calling in back ups.  The people who's chairs have been scattered are a mix of mostly older fans, both men and women, looking terrified.  Some friends of each of the combatants dive in, putting one of them in a choke-hold, but it's hard to tell if they are breaking up or inflaming the fight.  


My buddy I was at the show with and I are both big dudes so we just made a wall at our row, not engaging in the scuffle, but making it clear it wasn't going to spread into our row.  There was still no sign of more security or police, but by this point the band was really kicking into high gear, so I turned to face the stage, and left the bozos in the rhubarb to deal with their own shit.  


A couple of songs later I saw a cop come and escort the guy who threw the haymaker off the floor.  


After the show I met a guy from Alaska who'd come down for the show and said he was sitting a couple of rows behind me and two seats away from the guy who had started the hostilities.  He said the guy was all bent out of shape because the other guy was constantly on his cellphone, either filming or posting stuff on social media, and when he called the dude out on it, things unraveled real quick.  


We all agreed it was one of the most bizarre things we'd ever seen at a show, especially a show of psychedelic nature.  For a moment, with Pigs as a musical backdrop, the Tacoma Dome turned into Thunderdome, where two men enter and one man leaves.  As things became more calm it was striking to think how much more normal floating pigs and laser-generated prisms were in comparison.


Roger Waters, Tacoma Dome, 6/24/17

Set 1:

Speak to Me (canned music)


One of These Days


Breathe (Reprise)

The Great Gig in the Sky

Welcome to the Machine

When We Were Young

Déjà Vu

The Last Refugee

Picture That

Wish You Were Here

The Happiest Days of Our Lives

Another Brick in the Wall Part 2

Another Brick in the Wall Part 3


Set 2:


Pigs (Three Different Ones)


Us and Them

Smell the Roses

Brain Damage



Bring the Boys Back Home

Comfortably Numb


Britney Waters?


Hit Me One More Time, Eugene

"After seeing this show it will be hard to ever see an image of Trump and not think of him as a pig."

Well it certainly appears that Roger is doing all he can to bring us all together.

Right, Thom. Because it's Roger's job to do that, not the President's.

>>>>>and some great shows without Roger Waters in the band


Never Happened but go on...

Looking forward to a Miami show.

We have sound board seats and front row level 3.

What will be better for the visuals????

I would go with front row level 3 if I had to choose.

It'll be a good time either section.

Have fun!!!!!


There are some obstructed view seats on the floor because there are pillars with the laser equipment at the 2 back corners of the pyramid.  

Here's a good interview with Roger from a few days ago in the L.A. Times.  Roger "gets a bit hippie".


I would agree that despite the fisticuffs that I witnessed at the beginning of the second set, that there was a profound sense of love, unity and purposefulness in the room at the end of the show.  It was inspiring.  


Roger has stated that this tour may be his swansong.  If so, he is going out firing on all cylinders as he sets his controls for the heart of the sun.  Go see him if you get the chance.

>>>>Well it certainly appears that Roger is doing all he can to bring us all together.


You certainly did that around here when President Obama was serving as our Head of State there, Thom.

Again, the hypocrisy on you is so thick when you talk about this stuff.

I get that you can't seem to help yourself.



Good to see you on the black screen felina, and it was excellent to run into you & your lovely wife at Nick Cave. What a great show that was!

As to the general thread topic, I skipped this Waters tour, which I believe is the first time that's happened any time he's played near me.

I was on the fence for both the San Jose & Oakland shows, but ultimately I just couldn't get fired up about hearing songs I've heard so often and that the emphasis of the show would certainly be the visual overload and props, and from the look of the video clips I've seen and all the reviews I've read, that's what seems to be what the whole thing is about.

I know that's what it's always about with the Floyd guys, but even though I knew he'd have a great band and I have always found him to be a truly captivating performer, this time I just couldn't get excited about it enough to pull the trigger.

To each their own sigmond but I would take a Gilmour led band over a Waters every time.


you made a mistake U should've gone to the show.  Seriously 


thom, Give yourself a time out, seriously

My wife will have a smile on her face giggling and babbling all night about the "pretty lights"

Happy wife................

Great seeing you Mr. Lance--wonderful night at that ethereal venue.  I'll never forget the first time going to that place in '88 from Chi.  I'm used to sheds and arenas and Popular Creek, for me, is an example of a great outside venue.  And then I step into THAT.  I just couldn't believe my eyes.  I couldn't believe my ears.  And after feeling that place I couldn't believe anything. 

What a magical fucking space.  Mr. Cave brought that place down and Ali and I had a ton of fun watching him do it.  She asked me as we were walking in "so is that one of the good zoners?"  Of course you know what I told her.




>>>To each their own sigmond but I would take a Gilmour led band over a Waters every time.



Each time seeing both of those guys, during the last bunch of years, I've come away with the same feeling.  It's all good fun and all but with that kind of talent, I'm actually hoping for more than that (maybe that's on me).

I love the real and neither of those guys gives you that, at least to my way of thinking.  Just way too many people on stage for me to get off on anything.  Obviously, it'd be a different story to just see that original band  in '66 or '68 or '75 or '81 and I'm glad we have their tapes but all of this post band stuff has been pretty disappointing for me, even though the masses seem to dig it.  We were all 8th graders at some point listening to the Wall over and over again in the dark, right?

Seeing Waters play at the Bridge felt like a small glimpse of what could be.

Funny the 88 Greek shows were my first time there too. That is when I decided to move to SF. Best out door music venue. Visually Red Rocks is better, but the Greek puts 10,000 people on top of the band so you get that indoor energy outdoors. Seen so many shows there and only one of them was bad.