R.I.P. ThePhilzone.net


You still have Creek and OG. 

What happened to it?

slacker left

Check it out, Creek finally found a place he belongs.

you and kirls i would live there


> What happened to it?

It wasn't the airplanes. It was butthurt that killed the beast.

Mikee, all due respect, the place didn't die because you announced you might not post there anymore. Slax is getting a little prematurely giddy.


There's a nice little beef between frog and OG over there. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.  Place looks fun. May dip my toes .

I would hope not, Gravy. Most of them were terminally butthurt when I got there and that's still pretty much the only game in town.

JR can elevate things a bit. Still it breathes. laugh

my boy brent is there

Ill be over there later boys. Tell OG I have a bone to pick.


Bump for BK

And you still spend more time there than anybody else.

You do 't get the hummer for lurking, Slacker. However, if someone signs up because of your cross post, you're in. Will you speak Spanish to the Kum n Go ho?

Llénelo con sin plomo.

Please donate content today. 

Slacker knows if he dips his toe in the deep end over there, he will get his ass handed to him.


That's Bear from Alaskan Bush people show.  I respect that family for living on the edge of society and flourishing.  Very inspirational. 

>>>>>Slacker knows if he dips his toe in the deep end over there, he will get his ass handed to him.


Hi Kirls.

slacker I want to apologize. 


January 26, 2017 – 07:39 pm 

You still have Creek and OG. 


Who's left?

Slack, can you translate that to Japanese?

there was one?


fuck those scumbag fucks   

the Lager Zone seemed worse than the bar on Mos Eisley.

OG, lol that guy sucks at the internet.

Fuck yeah! We're better than that!


>Fuck yeah! We're better than that!


those people are the worst of the worst 






one of Jeff g's pit bulls has glasses, is that John K?

those fucking people


Upside out or inside down
False alarm, the only game in town
No man's land, the only game in town
Terrible, the only game in town